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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

High school can be a very difficult time with a plethora of thoughts and doubts about self-discovery, the future and fitting in obstructing your mind. As a current first-year university student, I have most definitely been there and I can’t describe how much these thoughts felt like the most important thing in the world at the time. Reflecting on it now, I feel regretful that these doubts took up so much of my time and energy — but I can assure you that life does get better after high school. Here is my experience on why it does.

  1. You are free to explore your interests

After graduating I felt pretty lost since it seemed like everyone around me had their entire futures planned out. In high school, I was very indecisive and generally unsure about the next steps in my life. Taking a gap year was something that really helped me not only with this uncertainty, but in discovering that I enjoy teaching and working in childcare as a pastime — which I never would have learned about myself without taking the time off. I also volunteered to write articles for a website during this time, which really solidified my love for writing. Lastly, I was able to find new as well as rediscover old hobbies! I got back into reading and began teaching pottery and cooking classes, which are activities I am interested in, but never really had the time to do before. Even if taking a gap year is not on your agenda, starting post-secondary education is a great way to connect with like-minded people and communities that share similar interests. 

  1. You have more educational & future-building opportunities 

High school can be limiting in terms of what you study or what courses you take and there may not be many options in pursuing what you love. When it comes to looking at post-secondary education, there are diplomas, degrees and certificates you can earn for pretty much anything imaginable. There is also pressure from peers or family to figure out your future at such a young age which can be overwhelming — but as an adult, you are able to freely decide your future as the world is full of opportunities. You can travel, take internships, work, do co-op, go back to school or simply do whatever your heart desires. 

  1. The social environment is healthier

The social environment in high school is extremely different compared to that of the larger and more diverse environment of post-secondary schools or workplaces. In high school, the environment is condensed and a complicated place to find where you fit in. The learning environment you are in has a large impact on your success during these pivotal four years of your life. This as a whole relies on the school climate an institution possesses, which refers to the educational and social environment of a school — and whether or not it promotes a positive setting for academic achievement, learning and overall student growth. 

Life can get better after high school or high school can be the time of your life. It is all that you make it out to be. But all in all, high school is a stressful time for anyone, no matter the situation. For me, being in university and out of high school has really helped me pursue what I love, try out new things and better myself as a person in the process.

Allison Baldwin

Toronto MU '26

Allison is a journalism student at Toronto Metropolitan University. If she is not writing, you will find her in the kitchen making her favourite foods and relaxing with a good book. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter, @allisonhbaldwin