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Group of friends sitting down and posing for a picture
Group of friends sitting down and posing for a picture
Original photo by Raghad Genina
Life > Experiences

An Ode to Healthy Female Friendships

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

I had always struggled with my identity during my teenage years, as I often felt like an outsider no matter where I went.

Reflecting on who I was just two years ago, I have realized that I am a completely different person. I had grown accustomed to tiptoeing around others when it came to my personal and religious beliefs — which are extremely important to me — that it became second nature. It was almost like a habit I didn’t even realize I formed. 

I had never had a healthy group of friends until I met the five people I’m closest with today. We have the ability to uplift and help each other, yet we’re not afraid to be brutally honest with one another, knowing that we all have good intentions.  

I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for them. Today, I’m not afraid to be loud and proud of my identity as a Muslim Egyptian woman. Today, I stand firmly on my beliefs, as my friends have helped me realize that nothing is more brave than that. And today, I have never felt more secure in a friendship.

True friendship is about trust, acceptance, and loyalty — a concept foreign to me until I met them. 

From the simple joy of sharing laughter in elevators, where we find ourselves unable to control our laughs for no apparent reason, to the moments of unity as we pray together side by side and break our fast during the month of Ramadan, they have taught me that friendship is more than just gossiping and passing the time together — it’s about connecting on a deeper level and creating a bond based on understanding and shared values, a type of friendship that I have always longed for. 

“Close friends will be enemies to one another on that Day except the righteous”

[Quran 43:68]

This verse of the Quran, which I often remind myself of, reminds me of the importance of keeping good company. Righteous friends are the ones who remind you of who you are when you feel lost and why you are here in this world when you need reminding. 

You should want the same things for your friends that you want for yourself. A true friend is someone to whom you may break bad news; they will listen and support you through it. A friend is also someone you can tell good news to, and you know that they will celebrate your achievements no matter what.

Somewhere along the line of our ever-growing connection, I felt like I had grown to know their likes and dislikes more than I knew myself.

I know Sidra passionately loves her brown sugar pearl milk tea from CoCo (50% sweetened). I know that no matter what time it is at night, Nageen will always be awake. I know Hadiqah needs to sleep by at least 10 p.m. to be able to function the next day. I know Ayshat needs to drink at least one juice box a day to survive. And I know that Hajir knows every movie reference known to man — and when we don’t understand the reference, the disappointment on her face is very obvious. 

I will forever value them and what they have taught me, not only about true friendship but also about myself. If there is one thing I have learned from them, it is not to sacrifice who I am, my morals, and my beliefs to please others.

Raghad Genina

Toronto MU '26

Hello! My name is Raghad and I am a journalism student at Toronto Metropolitan University. My deep-rooted passion for journalism is a testament to my commitment to the truth and giving a voice to the voiceless. When I'm not doing my uni work I'm either scrolling on tiktok or writing!