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2021 Here I Come – Start Off The New Year With Some Real Purpose

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Well where has the time gone, how are we already starting off another year? For some people, the new year has become nothing too special to look forward to – just the same old. For others, the new year has become something that they always look forward to. How can we all benefit from the new year and start it off in a way that is beneficial and rewarding for us all? 

So, we’ve all heard of New Year’s resolutions and we all know how they end up. We’ve also heard of the classic but cliché saying, “New Year, New me.” With that being said, I always end off the year wishing that I had done something more purposeful during the year. Something I stand by is not to live with regret and the last thing we’d all want to experience is the regret of not making the best of our year. How can we actually step away from these typical ways of setting goals and do something that actually works? 

New Year’s resolutions are usually lists or affirmations that one desires to accomplish throughout the year. Sometimes it is difficult to stick to these goals as we may forget about them or lose the motivation to follow through with them. However, after discovering this handy tool that has helped not only myself but many others as well, be prepared to set some realistic goals. The website called FutureMe allows you to write letters to yourself. It gives the option for you to select a duration of time for when you’d ideally like to receive the letter via email. For instance, 6 months later or 5 years later. 

How Does It Work?

Once you enter the website you’ll be able to write up your letter in the textbook and set a duration or date and finally, add an email address so you can receive the letter in the future. This letter is to your future self, so think a bit about it. Typical NY’s resolutions revolve around “saving more money” or “exercising more.” This is your opportunity to let go of these standard ways of goal setting and be realistic about your goals. 

If you are a student who is about to graduate and you are stressed out about paying off student loans or being in debt, give FutureMe a try. Write a letter to yourself in the future and map out how you plan on being debt-free. Receiving this letter from yourself years later is going to be surprising yet accomplishing to see how far you have come. 

One may also wish to use this website to write a letter to their future self when they are at their lowest points in life. This letter might outline ways they wish to improve their mental health, hobbies and interests they’ll pick up through the years and it may even include how they wish to see themselves a couple years from now. 

With FutureMe you have the opportunity to map out long-term goals and even reflect on ups and downs in your life. This website is also a great way to manifest your visions and goals for the future. For those who do not prefer journaling or writing down their intentions, FutureMe is perfect as you can type out letters of any length to reflect back on in the future. 

How Does It Feel?

When you write a letter to yourself and set the time period for 1-5 years you’ll eventually forget that you even wrote a letter or even forget that you’ll be expecting a letter in the future. This is the exciting part about writing on FutureMe. You’ll be able to open these letters and read them at unexpected times. It will also give people a rewarding feeling to reflect back on how they’ve altered their ways of lie to accomplish these long-term goals. Individuals who like to manifest by journaling and writing in future tense should definitely give this method a try!

That’s all you need to know about FutureMe, now go ahead and get your new year started the right way – map out the FutureYou! Move on from resolutions that serve you well and set out some long term goals that you can sit back and feel accomplished about one day in the future. 

Happy New Year, cheers to 2021! 

Mithushana is a third-year student at Ryerson University. She moved to Toronto when she was 3-years-old from Frankfurt, Germany. Living as a Torontonian for the majority of her life, Mithushana has a special heart for Toronto. She enjoys the city lifestyle and fast-paced energy. Also a huge animal lover! With her strong passion for spreading positivity around the world and as an advocate for wellness and self-care, she wishes to use this platform to voice more goodness into the world. Aspiring to make a change through her writing.
Zainab is a 4th-year journalism student from Dubai, UAE who is the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at Ryerson. When she's not taking photos for her Instagram or petting dogs on the street, she's probably watching a rom-com on Netflix or journaling! Zainab loves The Bold Type and would love to work for a magazine in New York City someday! Zainab is a feminist and fierce advocate against social injustice - she hopes to use her platform and writing to create change in the world, one article at a time.