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Why “The Dropout” Should Be the Next Show You Watch

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

If you are interested in drama series, I have quite the show for you to watch. “The Dropout” is a mini-series available on Hulu that tells the story of Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos. Theranos was a health technology started by Holmes when she was just 19 and a fresh dropout from Stanford University.

The whole company, including Holmes, was found guilty of fraud in 2018 due to the fact they were basically faking everything and lying to huge corporations, such as Walgreens. I won’t be the one to spoil everything for you, but this show has twists and turns around every corner.

I personally had no idea that this even happened, yet it was affecting so many people who were using this company to monitor their health and getting (mostly altered, fake) test results for serious diseases. It was a serious situation in America that some people did not even know about, including me, until the production of this series.

It is interesting and educational, yet won’t bore you to death when you hear medical terms being thrown around every episode. There are already seven episodes out on Hulu, so if you are into binge-watching, the show is starting to come to a climax.

Ameera Ozzie is currently a senior attending the University of Texas at Austin. She is a Public Relations major who enjoys learning about all things social media-related and keeping up with entertainment news. With dreams and aspirations of working with high-fashion companies on their Public Relations teams, Ameera hopes to make an impact on the world no matter what she is doing.