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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

March 19, 2024, marked a pivotal moment as the Supreme Court allowed for SB 4 to take effect, only to see its implementation promptly temporarily blocked later that day. With such dramatic twists in a day, it’s natural to wonder: what exactly is happening with SB 4? 

What is SB 4?
Senate Bill 4, also known as SB 4, is a Texas state law enacted to impose strict regulations on undocumented immigrants within the state. The legislation grants authority to state and local law enforcement to request immigration papers or identification from individuals without reason/cause. Those unable to provide evidence of legal citizenship or immigration status are subject to potential deportation to Mexico despite their country of origin. 

Who is affected?
SB 4 extends its impact beyond just the undocumented population. Latino residents and individuals from other minority groups also find themselves at risk of arbitrary detention due to the broadened authority bestowed upon law enforcement. Under this law, law enforcement can question individuals without regard to whether they exhibit suspicious behavior, amplifying the potential for unjust targeting and discrimination.

So what’s going on?
In essence, the Biden administration and immigrant rights organizations have filed a lawsuit against Texas arguing that SB 4 is unconstitutional due to its interference with federal immigration laws. So as of right now, SB 4 is not in effect.

Other Resources
Although SB 4 is not in effect, things could quickly change and it is important to stay up to date and continue to advocate against bills like SB 4. Resources such as the Immigrant Legal Resource Center offer valuable information on immigration-related topics, while platforms like End Operation Lone Star provide insights into newly passed bills and ways to keep communities safe. Additionally, Instagram accounts like @bordernetwork4humanrights and @grassroots_leadership consistently provide updates, ensuring awareness. 

SB4’s journey through the legal system reflects the ongoing debate over immigration policies and their impact on communities. By staying informed, engaging with advocacy groups, and amplifying voices for justice, we can collectively strive for a more inclusive and equitable society. Let us remain vigilant and committed to fostering change beyond legislative battles, ensuring dignity and fairness for all.


Hi, I'm Natalia (she/her), a second-year student majoring in Mexican American Latina/o Studies with a minor in Law, Justice, and Society at the University of Texas at Austin! My articles cover a wide range of interests, from fashion and concerts to a deep commitment to activism and social justice. Eager to explore a broad spectrum of topics, I aim to touch on everything from beauty and culture to the important issues that shape our world. I hope my writing serves as a platform to create a safe space and shed light on mental health challenges and political complexities faced by individuals from diverse backgrounds.