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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

When I first heard of float therapy, or as some refer to it sensory deprivation tanks, I was skeptical. “So you’re telling me you sit in a capsule of salt water for an hour and it is supposed to have all these benefits,” I would say to my mother after her persuasion. My mom has been doing float therapy for around a year now for her fibromyalgia and anxiety. 

As I was confirming my first appointment, I decided to look more into this form of self care. The first tank was created in 1954 by Dr. John Lilly who was fascinated with the effects of this lack of sensory experience on the brain. While laying in the 1000 pounds of salt dissolved in water, your body reaches a state of relaxation that can help with stress, sleep deprivation, and has shown numerous physical results. 

In the beginning of my first session, I felt slightly nervous about the darkness, not being able to concentrate on meditating, and even feeling claustrophobic. Yet, as soon as I emerged in the warm water, a sense of calmness overtook me. I simply laid back and closed my eyes with the water levitating my body. Within five minutes my mind and body were free of distractions. It was a time for me to reflect and not have to worry about the past or future. I was able to be in the present moment. 

After my session, I continued to feel this serenity for a week after my first float. My body was no longer tense from anxiety, it was rather mellow. I decided I would float every month as a form of self care! I would highly recommend trying a sensory deprivation tank at least once! It is slightly different when you look into it, but once you give it a go it is life changing. I am actually about to head to my second appointment as we speak!

Lauren is a Junior studying Government and Economics at the University of Texas. An avid coffee drinker and sushi fanatic, Lauren enjoys exploring the city, attending concerts, and discovering new music. Aside from writing, in her free time she can be seen reading, having weekly movie nights, and spending time with friends and family.