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Ways to Defeat Boredom During the Apocalypse

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I imagine many people are currently finding their lives somewhat turned upside down in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel bans are being implemented, universities are cancelling in person classes, and many are already putting themselves in self quarantine. As of Friday March 13th, the University of Texas president, Gregory Fenves, announced his wife Carmel tested positive for coronavirus. I sincerely hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these trying times. However, I also imagine many are finding themselves bored with classes and spring break plans canceled. So here are some fun things to do at home to fill your time while we wait out the apocalypse.


When I’m bored I always turn to baking to fill my time. I also find myself to be somewhat of a stress baker, so making chocolate chip cookies can actually calm me down. Also, who doesn’t love a nice sweet treat?


Over the years when I would get bored at home, my sisters and I would always pull out a board or card game. Not only is it fun to bond with family and friends who you play with, but also a great way to occupy a good amount of time.

Self Care!

Having some extra free time is also a great opportunity to treat yourself to a self care/spa day. Take a bubble bath, do a facemask, give yourself a manicure or a pedicure. You deserve it :)


In the past when I’ve gotten bored I have really enjoyed going to the American Film Institute website and looking at their lists of movies they consider to be the best of all time. I’ve been slowly working  my way through all of them, and every movie has been so interesting and exciting. Make sure to check out AFI’s lists here https://www.afi.com.


If you are feeling restless, yoga is a great option. You can do yoga almost anywhere with a good yoga mat and youtube video. It’s a great way to stretch and get your body moving on days filled with boredom.


This may not seem like the most fun thing to do, but while you’re stuck at home doing nothing, you might as well clean and re-organize your things. Not only is this a productive use of time, but you’ll also feel great when you’re finished. Try putting on some good music or a podcast and get to work!

DIY Crafts!

A great way to exercise some creative energy, DIY crafts can be super easy, use minimal supplies, and all be done at home. Here is a link to a page with a lot of fun and easy DIY crafts to make to kill time https://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/31-insanely-easy-and-clever-diy-projects.

I hope this helps with any boredom you may experience, and again, stay healthy and safe everyone!

Cameron Crates is studying Psychology and Chinese at the University of Texas at Austin. In her free time she enjoys watching movies, being around friends, and long-distance running.
Megan Turner is studying Spanish and Political Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. In her free time she enjoys long-distance running, painting, and spending time with friends.