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Top 5 Reasons I’m Excited to Be Back at School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

For some collegiettes™, it’s only a matter of days into winter break before they are ready to be back in the good ol’ ATX, whistlin’ the “Eyes of Texas are Upon You” while heading to Pluckers for some much needed buffalo hot wings with a side of waffle fries and a Cherry Coke. For others, it’s all about soaking in the rest and relaxation of break until the very last day. While I would I nominate myself as the biggest fan of winter– I mean I did write two articles on Christmas alone AND I love getting to be with my long-distance boyfriend for a whole month– I must say, I am totally stoked for school to be back in session. Whether you love winter break or not, after all the syllabi have been passed out and after you remember how much it sucks to alternate between top ramen and nutella sandwiches for your meals, there’s a moment when you realize Dorothy may have been onto something when she said “There’s no place like home.” But never fear collegiettes™, I’ve supplied five reasons to be excited to be back on the 40 Acres so you can hold your Horns high!
1. Gift Cards

You know those moments when you really want a Jamba Juice smoothie? You know, you’re walking on the Drag, all the bright colors inviting you inside, and a customer happily skips out holding a cup of your favorite– the deliciously refreshing mango-banana smoothie? You pine to buy your own, but you have no money. Oh wait! Your aunt aka Wonder Woman gave you a Jamba Juice gift card for Christmas!  Score. All those awesome gift cards you collected at Christmas will work perfectly for those little pick-me-ups you need but sometimes can’t fit into your college student budget.
2. Curfew/Friends

As if this wasn’t an obvious reason, it’s nice to have freedom, independence, and no curfew. Not only that, but to have freedom, independence, and no curfew with your friends. And if that wasn’t enough, we have restaurants here that are actually open past 10pm! (I dreamt of Kerbey’s Chocolate Chip Pancakes all break!) Just think of all of the adventurous shenanigans you’ll get into!
3. Favorite place on campus

Remember your favorite place on campus that you missed over break? The South Mall, Prufrock’s, the second floor lobby with the funky chairs in the SAC? It’s still here and it missed you too.
4. Learning

Let’s just get down to the nitty-gritty…be excited for classes! I know learning may be the last reason you are excited to be back at school, but UT is rich with opportunities to learn and grow! Hopefully you are riveted in your major-focused classes, but if they are core requirements and Contemporary Politics of Africa just doesn’t tickle your fancy, focus on how much knowledge you’re gaining and how smart–excuse me—intelligent you’ll sound at fancy dinner parties and job interviews.
5. Inadvertent Exercise

Although crossing the entire campus to get from your Art History class by the stadium to Mellow Mushroom to grab lunch with your friends can seem daunting, think about how many calories you are burning! You could even treat yourself for walking so far. When I have extra chaotic days and I am all over campus running errands, you bet I treat myself to a cookie! In fact, why not right now? Just for surviving the first week of school! Tiff’s Treats anyone? Oh yes, I love being back at UT!

Bernice Chuang is a fourth year double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Communication Studies-Human Relations and doing the Business Foundations Program (aka business minor) at the University of Texas at Austin. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Bernice is a fan of good country music and yummy barbeque! At UT, Bernice is a resident assistant at an all-female residence hall and currently serves as a senator representing her residence hall, Kinsolving, on the Resident Assistant Association. She also leads a small group bible study for Asian American Campus Ministries and sings with her campus ministries’ a cappella group. When she’s not juggling her various roles and commitments, Bernice enjoys exploring downtown Austin, shopping with her fellow RA staff members, reading books on faith and spirituality, learning how to cook and tackling various dessert recipes, and spending quality time with friends.