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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Being in college and spending thousands of dollars on tuition every semester sure can put a damper on any girl’s shopping budget. Window-shopping can only curb the nagging desire to shop so much. It’s like putting a band-aid over a crack in a dam… eventually it’s going to blow. Just because you’re in college doesn’t mean shopping has to become a thing of a past. Take on some of these tips:

Never buy anything full price

The truth is, retail stores get new material in daily and when these new clothes comes in, the old stuff must go. This is where the illustrious “clearance” section comes from. Simply because an item goes on clearance doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy it. If you see a new item come into the store that you must have, abstain and wait for it to go on sale. Wait and see, that dress you wanted for $75 will be $30 in a month. Test your luck and take it one step further and wait for the clearance sections to go on sale. Many stores run periodic “50% off on clearance” or “B.O.G.O for a Penny Sale on Clearance” to clear room on the floor for the new items when their clearance sections become too big. 

Shop local: Thrift and Vintage Stores

Each decade, whether it is the 70’s, 80’s, or 90’s, has had its own trend. Today we are living in a time that does not necessarily have it’s own distinctive fashion trend; an era of recycled fashions. Because of this, shopping at local thrift and vintage stores can save you money rather than buying similar items at your local national chain retail store at a heightened price.

Left: Urban Outfitters Kimchi Blue Wooden Heel Oxford Shoes: $78.00
RightErmine Vintage Shoes: $26.00

Left: Free People Rounded Up Crochet Cardigan: $148.00
Right: Splendor Crochet Cardigan: $26.00

Besides finding items that are similar to ones in big-named retail stores at cheaper prices, you can also find unique items that can make wonderful additions to your wardrobe.

Charm School Vintage Necklace: $30.00

Bitchin’ Threads Velvet Crop Jacket: $19.00

New Bohemia Top: $15.00 

Here are some other local Austin stores worth checking out:

Feather’s Boutique
Blue Velvet
Room Service Vintage
Cream Vintage
Top Drawer Thrift
Cheap Cheap
New Brohemia

Check more out here

Venture into a Re-Sell/Consignment Shop: Savers, Thrift Town, Buffalo Exchange

Don’t be scared of buying previously-owned clothes. People everyday buy pre-owned cars and save money when compared to buying the same car brand new. This same tactic can be applied to your shopping habits. When people outgrow their clothes or switch styles, many end up selling or donating their clothes to these resale shops. If you’re willing to hunt for the “diamond in the rough” you can surely find some treasures. 

Look for “Swap” Meets

This is a relatively new trend sweeping the nation. Women everywhere are bringing clothes, shoes, and accessories they no longer want and are trading them with other women. It’s a great new way to “be green,” with the best part being that those items not claimed by the end of the event are donated. Austin has its own Swapaholics event coming up Friday, March 11 at the First Annual Texas Style Council Conference.

Buy items out of season

It may sound crazy, but you can save a lot of money buying items when they are going out of season. At the end of each season, stores put their previous stock on sale to clear room for the upcoming season’s stock. Some stores put their entire store anywhere from fifty to seventy percent off. You may not be able to wear these items immediately, but if your body’s shape stays relatively consistent you can save a lot of money buying clothes in this way.

Utilize some of these tips into your shopping habits and you can end up saving yourself a lot of money.  

Bernice Chuang is a fourth year double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Communication Studies-Human Relations and doing the Business Foundations Program (aka business minor) at the University of Texas at Austin. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Bernice is a fan of good country music and yummy barbeque! At UT, Bernice is a resident assistant at an all-female residence hall and currently serves as a senator representing her residence hall, Kinsolving, on the Resident Assistant Association. She also leads a small group bible study for Asian American Campus Ministries and sings with her campus ministries’ a cappella group. When she’s not juggling her various roles and commitments, Bernice enjoys exploring downtown Austin, shopping with her fellow RA staff members, reading books on faith and spirituality, learning how to cook and tackling various dessert recipes, and spending quality time with friends.