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Study Fail: You’re Not Alone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

It’s that time of the year again: FINALS. With the prospect of a month’s vacation so close, it’s a struggle to get through this last week. It’s the only time of the year you will you see so many collegiettes™ in sweats with stressed out faces (or Facebook statuses), or students hoarding coffee and Red Bull.
While I’m sure many of you are enjoying the PCL’s extended hours, check out The Daily Texan’s article on the top alternative places to study on campus,, or check out Longhorn Life’s reviews of different campus coffee shops.
After all, one of the keys to successful studying is the right atmosphere. Combine that with a killer playlist (click here for some suggestions from Longhorn Life), caffeine (or good ol’ fashioned sleep) and the desire to ace your final, and you’re set!
Beware: with the endless fun to be had on Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter, combined with the temptation to watch ABC Family’s “25 Days of Christmas,” it’s not surprising that students are distracted more often than not. So, after seeing the students captured in the pictures below, know you’re not alone when it comes to wanting to do anything but study. But let’s hope you’re a little more successful than these three!

Jester study lounges: where you’ll find a mass of freshmen who can’t handle the pressure of finals.

Angry birds can be so addicting.

The lures of Facebook are endless.

Hey, at least someone got it right…
Now get back to studying! Good luck!

Bernice Chuang is a fourth year double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Communication Studies-Human Relations and doing the Business Foundations Program (aka business minor) at the University of Texas at Austin. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Bernice is a fan of good country music and yummy barbeque! At UT, Bernice is a resident assistant at an all-female residence hall and currently serves as a senator representing her residence hall, Kinsolving, on the Resident Assistant Association. She also leads a small group bible study for Asian American Campus Ministries and sings with her campus ministries’ a cappella group. When she’s not juggling her various roles and commitments, Bernice enjoys exploring downtown Austin, shopping with her fellow RA staff members, reading books on faith and spirituality, learning how to cook and tackling various dessert recipes, and spending quality time with friends.