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Spring Break Safety Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

It’s almost that time of year again, the amazing break you get at the perfect time in March when you just need to get away from school: spring break. This break is a time to forget about doing work and just kick back on the beach and relax. However, whether your destination is Cancun, Miami, or even South Padre, you need to make sure you’re being safe while having fun. We’ve got some tips to keep in mind to ensure that your trip doesn’t take a turn for the worst.

Always have a buddy. It may seem a little trivial and sound like something you did in elementary school summer camp, but everything really is better in twos. This is the number one safety precaution when you are on spring break, especially if you are with large groups. Your “buddy” should keep an eye on you wherever you go and keep tabs on how many drinks you’ve had. This goes both ways, so you’re expected to keep an eye on the other person as well.
Don’t be too flashy. It is better to stay under the radar, especially if you’re in a foreign country. Your expensive jewelry and designer handbags should
probably be left at home or locked in your hotel safe. Also, try not to carry around a lot of cash. Even if you’re in a crowded place with a lot of people, keep your purse across your chest and don’t let it out of your reach. The more conspicuous you are, the easier you are to target.
Party responsibly. You may now be of drinking age if you’re in a foreign country, but that doesn’t mean you should overdo the alcohol consumption.
Your judgment can become completely impaired even after a few drinks. That guy that you would steer clear of if you were sober becomes a lot more attractive with a few drinks. Never, ever leave the club or bar with a guy you don’t know- no exceptions. Also, never leave your drink unattended or take a drink from a stranger (let them buy and you order). A roofie, otherwise known as the “date rape drug,” can easily be slipped into your drink without you noticing. The common side effect of the drug is amnesia so you won’t remember what happens to you during the several hours that it is in effect. Lastly, do not drink and drive. Always call a cab or walk back to your hotel in a large group.
Look into self-defense. You never know what could happen, so it is better to be prepared for the worst. If you have never taken a self-defense or martial arts class before, the university provides one for free. The Rape Aggression Defense System (RAD) teaches women defensive concepts and
techniques against various types of assault by utilizing easy-to-learn self-defense tactics. The 3-day, free class is a smart option and will make you prepared for any scenario you find yourself in. To register, go to the University of Texas Police Department webpage and give your basic contact information. If you don’t have time to make it to the class before Spring Break, invest in some pepper spray from a nearby sporting store. It is always better to be safe than sorry!
Kenyatta Giddings is a double major in Broadcast Journalism and Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a former toddler in a tiara from Dallas, Texas and enjoys recording voiceovers for Radio Disney, writing for various publications, and contributing her production and on-camera talents to an array of programs. In her spare time Kenyatta consumes herself with all things vintage shopping, entertainment media, and brunch. Follow her pursuit for fabulosity on Twitter @kenyattapinata and her favorite online magazine @HerCampusTexas.