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So Many People Have Started This 75 SOFT Lifestyle!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I was scrolling through Tik-Tok the other night (well, it was technically 2 AM, the best time to scroll through your FYP), and I had just started my diet to lose some weight this fall! I came across a video of a woman who is starting the 75 hard lifestyle herself as of Oct. 17th. 

The 75 soft challenge derived from the original 75 hard challenge. The rules of this challenge were really brutal to some, but here they are: 

There were also some versions of the challenge that also include a rule that requires no alcohol consumption, as well as no cheat meals. The people of TikTok saw this challenge and decided to run with it, and it leaves you time to get fit and feel great right when New Year’s is upon us. 

One thing I love about the new 75 soft challenge is that it appeals to the acceptance and reality that eating right and exercising is not always easy. Neither is making sure to read a few pages of a book a day. Sometimes when we want to lose weight, focus on ourselves, or make a dramatic lifestyle change, we lose focus of who we truly are. We can easily become too hard on ourselves, and punish ourselves for eating a cheat meal, or not being able to get a workout in. Getting up everyday and choosing to do your best, IS choosing you! I’ve decided to participate in this challenge for a better version of myself, and this time I’m allowing myself more grace than I have with other diets I have started. Whether or not you want to participate in this challenge (it’s never too late), never forget to take care of yourselves. Good luck ladies!

Hello! I am a sophomore at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in Psychology, and I love to write. I'm excited to be a part of Her Campus and get involved in the blogs!