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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Being told “I love you” two weeks into knowing each other

Asking me to come over at 3:00 am just to “hang out”

Leaving me on delivered for 2 months and then coming back and saying he loves me

Sending unsolicited pictures after I asked him not to :’)

Apologizing for said pictures and then sending another one right after :’)

Asking me to send pictures when I said I was with family

Begging me to come over and even offering up a friend for my roommate

Kissing my head in his sleep :’)

Asking me about my day and being genuinely interested in my answer :’)

Being elbowed in the face because he moves a lot in his sleep

Being told that we’re better off as friends even though we’ve spent every weekend together for the last 4 months :’)

His friend knew me and said, “oh you’re from blanks’ room, right?” :’)

Having plans to hang out alone and then walking into a room of his friends

Telling me I look good in his clothes :’)

Can you tell I love TikTok trends? Can you tell if these are from different people? Should I get help? This was very cathartic for me, so I hope whoever reads this gets a good little laugh. :’)

Victoria Navarro is an Advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to spend time with her rescue dog Dusty and you can always catch her with a cup of coffee.