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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Freshman year is already scary as a college student. You’re in a new environment with new people, and if you go to UT Austin, you are surrounded by over 50,000 other students from all walks of life. To make life a little easier, here are tips every future Longhorn needs to know for a smoother Freshman year.

buy the big ticket

It’s $200 and you get access to all the home games for EVERY SPORT. It’s a really good deal when you consider that the Texas vs Alabama game had tickets selling for as high as $150. Plus, with a March Madness qualifying women’s and men’s basketball teams, new star player Arch Manning for the football team, and a national championship women’s volleyball team, you do not want to miss out.

always have a backup plan for big football games

Always be prepared for the worst. My boyfriend and I waited for over 10 hours at the Alabama game and still didn’t get seated in the student section. Then for the TCU vs Texas game, we waited in the cold for 4 hours and the entire stadium was full. So be prepared to do something else for big games! Make sure you have a backup plan like Pluckers, a tailgate, or a TV to watch the game. Be flexible and open to any changes!

Learn to communicate

Communication was one of the most important things I had to learn. Communicating helped me resolve conflicts with my roommate, get scholarships or grants, fix grades, and so much more. I won’t deny that communicating is hard, but it is one of the first things any freshman should learn how to do.

they are not joking about shower shoes

BUY THEM!!! THIS IS SERIOUS. I have seen balls of hair, gum, blood, food, and almost anything else you can think of in my communal showers. If you live in a dorm buy shower shoes, and be prepared to get nauseous when you open a stall every now and then.

bring your homecoming or prom dress

I have had so many events in my first year where having my prom dress or homecoming dress on hand would have saved me money. Many orgs on campus have formals or cocktail events and if it’s not your org, it’s your friend’s org. They are super helpful to have on hand, if you have the space.

Don’t knock Greek life until you try it

When I first entered college, I would have NEVER thought to join a sorority. I thought they were expensive or that I wouldn’t fit in but, I joined a sorority and have met some of my best friends there. Not all sororities are the same. Expenses, selectiveness varies, philanthropies, and pillars vary so make sure you do research before rushing or accepting a bid.

be careful with rate my professor ratings

I have had a couple classes this year where the professor is described as the devil reincarnated, but I have actually really liked them. I am not saying to ignore them all together, but make sure you get some in person opinions on professors as well.

do not be afraid to use the dining hall

I am not going to pretend that the dining halls on campus are amazing, but they are better than not eating. A couple things to know is that eating alone is VERY normal on campus and you should not be ashamed if you have to have a few meals by yourself. The dining halls vary but for the most part, Kins dining is better than J2 dining, and J2 is better than Jester City Limits. Regardless, all three are very viable options compared to starving. Using the dining halls for snacks and coffee is also very common, so if you are a little short on money but need something to keep you going throughout the day, dining halls are a great option.

use your bevo pay wisely

Budget your Bevo Pay! Although Starbucks every morning sounds amazing, consider that $400 goes by quickly, and it’s meant to last you the whole year.

use your student discount

So many companies offer discounts when you use your student ID or email, so make sure to take advantage of it. Spotify, Hulu, Apple, and the Amy’s on Guadalupe St. all offer discounts that I used throughout the year!

Welcome future Longhorns and I hope that you enjoy your first year on the 40 acres!

Faith is a first year double major in government and RIM. They enjoy writing about beauty, politics, fashion, and anything Harry Styles related.