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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

After a crazy Spring Break filled with endless games of beer pong, flip cup, and quarters, you come back to Austin wanting something more…classy. So put on your argyle socks and sweater vests and go out for a round of Pub Golf!

For those of you imaging all the hazards affiliated with inebriated friends and metal clubs on Sixth Street, no worries: no clubs involved. Well scratch that, I’ll exclude that solely to no metal golf clubs. Any clubs that tickle your fancy downtown, be my guest to include them in your round of Pub Golf.
The rules of Pub Golf are quite fluid and straightforward, although it takes more preparation than running down to Orange Market to get some last minute red cups. So I’ll break down the process into three larger chunks: 1. Rules 2. Preparation and 3. Playing the Game

1. Terminology:

Hole – A pub/bar/somewhere that serves alcohol
Stroke – A sip/gulp of the beverage
Par – The guideline amount of gulps a drink must be downed in
Eagle – Ending the hole two under par
Birdy – Ending the hole one under par
Bogie – Ending the hole one over par
Water hazard (Optional)– An establishment whereby the players are allowed to visit the toilet

2. On the scorecard, the event planner will have par values corresponding with the type of drinks and the number of mouthfuls to finish your drink. Here is an example below:

* Par 1 – Shooter
* Par 2 – A glass of wine (red or white)
* Par 3 – A bottle of beer (any)
* Par 4 – A pint of beer (any)
* Par 5 – Four Horseman.

3. All drinking must take place in front of at least two other players or the scorer, and all strokes must be recorded, even penalties and accidental sips.

4. Penalties can be adjusted, but here are some examples:

– Cheating – such as spilling drinks on purpose – Two strokes
– Inability to Finish Drink – 12 Strokes
– Bathroom Break – Two Strokes for going in the middle of the drink
– Getting Sick – Three Strokes
– Spilling Someone Else’s Drink – the player that spilled the drink must refill the drink and drink it themselves

1. Decide on the 9 pubs, bars, and clubs that you are going to and in what order. Depending on your extremity of your drinking extent, you can attempt 18 holes like a real round of golf, but if you are playing the game correctly, you should be thoroughly inebriated by 9.
2. Prepare scorecards and little pencils, noting location, drink, par, and score on the cards. EXAMPLE
3. Invite your friends and set up teams. Teams of two seem to work best.
4. Make sure that ALL players are dressed in appropriate golf attire – cleats not permitted.

Playing the Game
1. On the night of, give each team a scorecard. Through an honors system, each team will mark down their scores, including any penalties for misconduct of the rules.
2. Establish and make sure everyone is absolutely crystal clear about the rules and regulations at the first hole of the game. Setting a time limit from about 10-20 minutes per hole is recommended as well.
3. Play Pub Golf!

With a myriad of clubs and bars with amazing Thursday and Friday deals at your exposal, there is no better place than downtown Austin to play a couple rounds of golf. After a game of Pub Golf, you won’t be ashamed to tell your parents that you went “golfing” over the weekend; “Classy” they’ll think. And to keep it that way always drink responsibly and don’t go home with strangers

Bernice Chuang is a fourth year double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Communication Studies-Human Relations and doing the Business Foundations Program (aka business minor) at the University of Texas at Austin. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Bernice is a fan of good country music and yummy barbeque! At UT, Bernice is a resident assistant at an all-female residence hall and currently serves as a senator representing her residence hall, Kinsolving, on the Resident Assistant Association. She also leads a small group bible study for Asian American Campus Ministries and sings with her campus ministries’ a cappella group. When she’s not juggling her various roles and commitments, Bernice enjoys exploring downtown Austin, shopping with her fellow RA staff members, reading books on faith and spirituality, learning how to cook and tackling various dessert recipes, and spending quality time with friends.