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One Subtle Change That Transformed My Bedroom Life Forever

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

My boyfriend let me in on this one little bedroom secret, and since then, my life in the sheets has not been the same.

When we first met, I couldn’t help but notice something peculiar: he didn’t use a top sheet. Naturally, my initial reaction was, ‘What the heck? Are you just lazy or something?’ But then, he hit me with some truth bombs. Turns out, top sheets are more trouble than they’re worth. I never realized it before, but they do have a tendency of ending up crumpled at my feet, making the inside of my bed feel all messy and uncomfortable. Strange perspective, right? It was one hell of an eye-opener, though.

Long story short, I decided to give this no-top-sheet lifestyle a shot. And let me tell you, I haven’t looked back since. I’ve joined the club, and now my top sheets are banished to a designated basket in the top corner of my closet. Now it’s as easy as: If the sheet doesn’t have an elastic band hugging my mattress, I’m simply not interested. There’s just something so fresh about crawling in bed and not having any extra fabric moving around my legs in weird ways. Plus, it’s saved me whole minutes when making my bed. And since it’s way simpler now, I’m much more motivated to do it in the mornings. It’s only two steps, after all.

But here’s the thing – I didn’t toss those top sheets away completely. They’ve actually come in handy in some unexpected ways. Like that one time I stepped out of the shower only to realize all my towels were in the wash. Major crisis, right? Wrong. I grabbed a top sheet from the basket and boom! Instant towel. Sure, it wasn’t my best moment, it was quite humbling. But, was it super useful and prevented me from standing in the shower freezing, wondering what my options were? Absolutely. And hey, at least I can tell you now, from experience, that it gets the job done!

Then there was the time I needed to reorganize my closet but didn’t have enough space (you know how it goes in these student apartment bedrooms). Solution? Lay down a top sheet on the floor and voila – instant sorting zone for my clothes. It may sound a bit unconventional, but it works like a charm.

So yeah, while I may have ditched the top sheet from my bed, it’s still finding its way into my life in some pretty unexpected ways. Who knew that what I now consider useless bedding could be so versatile?

Daniela is an undergraduate student at UT Austin pursuing a degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Journalism & Media. Originally from Mexico, she is now based in Austin, where she specializes in Interpersonal Comm. and works with publications such as Her Campus and Glaze Zine. Daniela's works encompass aspects of modern society, lifestyle, relationships, and personal narratives, reflecting her passion for the human condition.