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Mason Jars Dinner Party
Mason Jars Dinner Party
Breanna Coon / Her Campus
Life > Experiences

Not Drinking is Cool Too

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.
Mason Jars Dinner Party
Breanna Coon / Her Campus

I don’t drink. Surprise! Besides the fact that I’m not of age to drink legally, I voluntarily lead a dry lifestyle. I haven’t had a sip of alcohol, and that’s perfectly fine! People have plenty of reasons why they may or may not drink; I knew from an early age that drinking wasn’t something I felt comfortable with for myself.

Yes, even as a college student, I don’t drink. What about peer pressure you may ask, well I have yet to be judged for my decision not to drink. I have fun at parties and get-togethers on my terms, which means I *still* enjoy myself at parties with water or juice in my red solo cup. Don’t feel pressured to drink! If your friends or peers are pressuring you into drinking, chances are they aren’t your real friends. Lastly, for those of you who also don’t drink, don’t worry, you’re not lame!

Justice Morris (she/her) is a second-year history and Mexican American Latino Studies double major at the University of Texas at Austin. She is also pursuing a Core Texts and Ideas certificate. Justice is a passionate writer; she enjoys sharing her thoughts on the arts, life as a college student, and her cultural experiences as a Chicana woman. You can find more of her work in The Liberator, the official publication of the College of Liberal Arts.