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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Spring break is quickly approaching and I feel like I am the only college student with absolutely no plans. I had been invited to SPI with a few friends but decided that if I had spent the whole week with them I would have resented them and decided to pass. I was then offered a trip to Utah to go see my mom, something I’ve done almost every spring break since my junior year of high school, and ultimately decided to pass. This is the first spring break in a while that I’ll be completely alone, other than my dog, and I’m not too sure how I feel about it.

So you’re probably wondering, “Victoria, what are you going to do then?” Well here’s the thing… I have no clue. I think I’m gonna spend the week catching up on some reading for my history classes and maybe have a midlife crisis or two. Here’s how that may go when it does eventually happen.

How am I almost done with my sophomore year of college? I feel like I just graduated from high school, but in two short months, I’ll be a junior in college? Make it make sense. I’m not kidding. Please help me. 

Crisis aside, I’m sort of looking forward to a week with absolutely nothing planned. I think I’ll pick up some hours at work since everyone is out of town and earn a little extra cash for my birthday in a few weeks. Other than that I think I can come up with a few other things to do when I’m not at work. 

A while back I bought a paddleboard and I think that I could spend a decent amount of time at the lake or hanging out with my dog Dusty. 

The Austin Rodeo is kicking off so that could definitely be something I could check out. I’ve never been even though I was born and raised here for half my life but I’ve heard it’s super fun so I may have to convince a friend to tag along. 

Next weekend SXSW is kicking off and they always have a ton of free stuff around town to do so I would love to check that out as well. 

I think I’ve put together a decent list of things to do when I’m not working and I’m actually looking forward to a spring break with no concrete plans now. If only I didn’t have one more week of midterms to get through first. 

Victoria Navarro is an Advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to spend time with her rescue dog Dusty and you can always catch her with a cup of coffee.