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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I recently attended AfroTech, a conference where people gather and network with various tech companies while also listening to inspirational speakers speak about their journey to their careers. I was hesitant about attending the conference; mainly because I’m a psychology major with the interest of going to law school, and that has nothing to do with tech. I constantly told myself that this conference was not for me, but in reality, it really was.

I was able to get free tickets through InternXL which helps students grow professionally and build professional relationships as it relates to their career. This program has allowed me to meet such amazing people who are doing life-changing work. Being in the same room as CEOs, billionaires, and top-tier companies who were showcasing Black excellence allowed me to be myself. Being surrounded by people who look like me gave me the freedom to be authentic. I didn’t have to code switch, fake a smile, or even dress in black and white, I could truly be Dajaiya.

My eyes were opened to other pathways and different outlooks on law and how that plays into the tech world. Even though I do not want to go into tech, there are places for lawyers in every field. AfroTech is amazing not only for people who are interested in tech but for those who love Black excellence and want to be surrounded by it. It’s an uplifting, inspiring, and educational conference that has been life-changing. I will definitely be planning on going back to AfroTech next year!

Hi I'm Dajaiya I also go by DJ. I am UT 26 so I'm a freshman yayy. I enjoy writing short stories, spoken word, and empowering messages. I aspire to inspire others and change the world for the better. IG: @_.mulann._