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Making Friends In College: A Guide For Introverts…

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

It would be untrue to say that everyone immediately finds their place the minute they step on campus. As an introvert, trying to make friends was a challenge for me. But take it from there are ways to get out of your comfort zone.

The first thing to recognize is that you’re not alone in feeling this. Feeling like you’re the only one who is not fitting in is not uncommon; there are tons of students who are in the same shoes. Another thing that’s gotta go is comparing your worth and experiences to those you see on campus. That friend group you just walked by may have been high school friends, met in a student organization, or maybe joined a study group. The idea that you’re ‘doing something wrong’ is not true; everyone is different.

So how can you meet people and make friends? For me the simple answer was learning to get out of my comfort zone, but let’s take it one step at a time. You’re walking into a lecture and you see someone sitting by themselves; do you A (ask to sit by them) or B (sit by yourself)? Now while option B might seem enticing, give option A a shot. I’ve found that sitting next to someone, not only helps in academics but opens up conversation. Ask if they want to study sometime and see where it goes.

In addition to this, I’d have to say the most impactful thing in making friends is joining groups and student organizations that fit your interests. I mean what’s better than getting to have fun doing something you’re passionate about with people equally as passionate? Meeting people in these student activities was seriously a game changer. I’ve found that for those introverted, like myself, it is so much easier to form true and lasting relationships with those you meet in clubs. 

Sophmore at the University of Texas, Austin. I love horror novels, hair metal, and collecting fashion dolls...