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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I know, I know, sex can be such a taboo topic, even in college, but the reality is that most of us are away from home for the first time ever, enjoying the newfound freedom and experiences that come with college.

Whether you are into one night stands, friends with benefits, or being exclusive with someone it is always important to make sure you are practicing safe sex! “No glove, no love” or whatever it is they say nowadays.

You have probably seen the bowls around campus, especially in the SSB building that have condoms available for students to take, you can take up to three per day by the way, but did you know they also offer a program so you can recieve safe sex supplies discreetly if you are too embarrassed to actually grab from the condom bowls in the buildings?

Healthyhorns Play Safe Post will deliver to all on campus residence halls if you request a free package of 5 condoms and lube in discreet envelopes delivered right to your mailbox. You can request condoms just once or every week if you want! It is all completely free and discreet so nobody will know what is in the envelope.

It is not just about external condoms though. You can also order internal condoms and dental dams if that is what you need!

All you have to do is fill out this form, and you will receive free condoms! https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5j3vpAoaIUrrU7b


I know some of us do not want to talk about this stuff, which is why I felt it was important to write this article. This is a great, free resource for on campus residents who want to be sexually active and ensure they are safe while doing so.


Remember safe sex is the best sex!

Izabella is a transfer student studying journalism at UT with an interest in social justice reporting. She enjoys reading, photography, podcasts, and cuddling with her dog, Jinxx.
I am a third year English major hoping to become a book editor. I have been writing for HerCampus for one year, and am excited to work as a Co-Editor this year. I love reading and staying home with my cat, Luna.