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Lasagna Soup? Don’t Knock It Till You Try It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

The weather is finally changing and it’s beginning to feel like fall. What’s the best thing to eat when it’s cold outside? Soup. Nothing is better than a warm bowl of soup when it’s freezing outside. Lately, I’ve been cooking a lot, and one of my new favorite recipes is this lasagna soup that I found on TikTok. It’s best when you want something filling, but you don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen. This one-pot meal is ready in 45 minutes and trust me, it is worth the wait!

The ingredients are classic lasagna staples. Here’s what you’ll need for this super simple recipe.

  • Diced onions
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Italian Seasoning
  • Chicken Stock
  • Garlic
  • Lasagna Noodles
  • Fresh Basil
  • Marinara Sauce
  • Ricotta
  • Mozzarella

First things first, you’re going to take your butter, onions, and garlic and throw them in your pot. Let them marinate together, and remove your onions when they become translucent. Next, add in your ground turkey and let it brown. Proportions are really up to you; it depends on how much you want to make. For the soup part, I took out the turkey and set it aside. Next, add chicken stock to your pot and pour in about a jar of marinara sauce. I added about 3 cups of the stock. Here’s when you break up your lasagna noodles and toss them in. I only ended up using about 6 sheets, and even then it was a bit much. Now is when you can throw in all your seasonings. Once the noodles are al dente, go ahead and add back all of your ground turkey and throw in about half a cup of mozzarella and parmesan cheese. You can also choose to either add ricotta to the soup or just use it as a garnish when you plate it up. I did a bit of both and it definitely added a little something to the dish.

That’s it! It’s super simple and such a good fall dinner idea. I’ve made it once a week since I found it and I just can’t get sick of it!

Victoria Navarro is an Advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to spend time with her rescue dog Dusty and you can always catch her with a cup of coffee.