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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Austin has notably become a central hub for the tech industry with many notable companies such as Tesla coming to take over. Along with this wave has come another one. Influencers have started popping up around Austin and calling our lovely city home. One of my personal favorite Tiktok stars is none other than Kennedy Eurich who has amassed over a million followers on the platform along with over 300,000 followers on Instagram. Ken is most known for her comedic content and noteworthy style along with her passion for animals.

Recently this passion for animals has taken a new form for Kennedy through an event that she had benefitting the Austin Animal Center which successfully raised over $8,000 for the shelter. I actually attended this event and it included a permanent jewelry station, a live DJ, and a lot of raffles. My personal favorite guest in attendance was Ken’s dog named Lil Ma who is a star in her right. She has taken over the TikTok space as well and is a shining representation of adoption. Through the event, Ken also raised awareness for the Austin Animal Center and the whole event made me have a strong appreciation for influencers who give back to the communities in which they are living.

More often than not we usually see influencers as just people who recommend products and push their Amazon storefronts down our throats. However, they really could do more with their platforms if they chose to and Ken is a great example of taking something you’re passionate about and using your platform to raise awareness among your followers. In some cases, this includes raising money in the way that Kennedy did, but I think what’s even more impactful is the hosting of these events. The time and effort that goes into planning and attending these types of events shows real dedication as opposed to simply making a donation

As Austin continues to grow I’m sure that we will see more and more influencers pop up within the city. I hope that when this happens that a new wave of influencers will follow in this fashion of hosting these community events. I think it fosters a stronger connection and desire to support people who are open and supportive of causes they care about. I think this balance is exactly what cities like Austin need in order to not be viewed as a social media wasteland the way that Los Angeles is viewed. Overall, I’m very excited to see how Austin continues to grow and how influencers like Ken Eurich shape our city.

Hello! I am a psychology major at UT Austin and am super excited for this semester.