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How lizzo’s concert changed my life

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

On October 25, I had the pleasure of seeing Lizzo in concert with a few friends. I’ve only been to a few concerts, so seeing Lizzo live was a huge treat. As soon as the lights went down for the show, I knew it would be amazing.

Lizzo’s music and her message about self-love have resonated with me since I began listening to her in 2019. I remember being on the way to the airport and listening to her song “Boys” for the first time after her interview on the radio. I was immediately hooked and quickly began to add her music to my daily playlists, not realizing what a huge impact her music would have on me in my college years.

Her song “Jerome” especially stuck with me because of its message of not letting your crush impact your well-being or define your worth, which is something I struggled with in my teens. Her lyrics about battling insecurities and not letting people’s opinions affect you really spoke to me and the things I used to deal with. As soon as she started to sing “Jerome,” I began to tear up because I felt like Lizzo was singing just to me. The way that she channels her own emotions into her music and empowers her fans to love themselves and be proud of who they are is something I wish more artists would do.

When Lizzo started singing “Truth Hurts,” I immediately began dancing along and screaming every lyric at the top of my lungs. I felt so alive and so very present when Lizzo sang her last song, “About Damn Time.” I wished I could have stayed for another two-hour concert.

Lizzo feels so human as an artist, and the way she knows how to connect with her audience is a huge part of why I love her so much. She made me feel loved and appreciated even though I was up in one of the highest rows. If I get to see her in concert again, I know I will sing just as loud and have as much fun. As an aspiring artist, maybe someday I would get the chance to perform with her. Now that would be amazing!

I am a fourth year at the University of Texas at Austin. I am currently studying Asian Languages and Cultures as well as Music Performance. I love making music, doing my makeup, and exploring places to eat.