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How I Survived My First *Half* Semester of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

The first night I spent as an actual “college student” was a flurry of different emotions. I was sad about having to say goodbye to my family and friends, I was not quite comfortable with my new room and bed, and I was completely overwhelmed by all of the changes I would have to adjust to within the next few weeks. Fortunately, I have picked up on a decent amount of insight since then and feel much more at ease. Though I am still a clueless freshman about some things (Does this shirt go in the dark or light load?), I have learned a few basic principles that should get me through this year and hopefully the three more to come.

Get out of your room.

Anyone would go crazy if they spent their whole day in the cold, cellar-like dorms most freshmen live in. Don’t just leave your dorm to go to class and eat. Make conversation with the people on your floor, go to the library to study, or join an organization that matches your interests. The only way you are going to make friends is by putting yourself out there. You have to be willing to leave behind all inhibitions and open yourself up. Instead of sitting by yourself in the cafeteria, sit next to someone you have never met before and start a conversation. The worst thing that can happen is that you can’t find common ground and you don’t pursue any further friendship. If this does happen, you still have 49,999 other possible friends you can make.
Invest in comfortable (and cute) tennis shoes.

You know a campus is big when it’s given its own zip code. With a 350-acre main campus, it is likely that you’ll be doing a lot of walking. Leave the flip-flops in the closet and pull out the sneakers. Though you may not be making a fashion statement, you will not regret the decision to put comfort first when you have to trek from one end of campus to another within the short passing period. With such a large campus, it is also very likely that anyone, especially a freshman, will get lost at some point trying to find one of their classes. Maps are helpful but there are people, like myself, that still get lost with the help of a map. What helped me navigate through my first week was the University of Texas at Austin app. Not only does it pinpoint your exact location on campus, it also gives you exact walking directions to your class from your current location. Without this app, I would probably still be trying to find my chemistry class.


Limit your visits to the dessert cart.

Unfortunately, I recently had to have an intervention with a scale. My fears were confirmed: I’d already gained five pounds after a month of starting college. The Freshman 15 is a harsh reality. It’s difficult to not skip the gym after a long day of classes, and to not dig into your box of pizza rolls as you tackle that paper late at night. Instead of taking drastic measures, just incorporate small changes into your lifestyle to be healthier. Try out the salad bar and include more fruits and veggies on your plate instead of french fries. Have a sweet-tooth? Instead of Chips Ahoy! cookies, try some fat-free frozen yogurt at Campus Candy or Swirll. Stock your room with healthy snacks for when the late night munchies set in. Make time to stop by the fully equipped Gregory Gymnasium. They have something for everyone – whether it be taking yoga classes, swimming laps, playing handball, or just lifting weights. If the gym isn’t your thing, Austin is a beautiful city with many outdoor recreational activities like hiking or kayaking.

Play hard, work harder.

With a lively nightlife consisting of 6th Street and an abundant Greek system, it is not hard to find fun on or near campus. However, it’s also easy to fall into temptation and make spur-of-the-moment choices that sabotage academic work. Everyone needs a break from studying every once in a while, but there must be a balance. You ultimately came to UT Austin to get an education. To put things into perspective, you will most likely regret skipping a night of studying for that important midterm more than skipping a toga party. College is a time to have fun and meet new people but it’s also a time to buckle down and work hard. Don’t be that one freshman that loses their sense of priority and has to come back to college as a freshman…again. 


Kenyatta Giddings is a double major in Broadcast Journalism and Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a former toddler in a tiara from Dallas, Texas and enjoys recording voiceovers for Radio Disney, writing for various publications, and contributing her production and on-camera talents to an array of programs. In her spare time Kenyatta consumes herself with all things vintage shopping, entertainment media, and brunch. Follow her pursuit for fabulosity on Twitter @kenyattapinata and her favorite online magazine @HerCampusTexas.