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How to Get Ready for Spring Break… As told by Animals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

There are two weeks left until UT college students say “Adios” to tests and textbooks and “Aloha!” to SPRING BREAK! Whether you’re going to the beach with your friends, skiing with your fam, or just going home to see your bae from out of state, you definitely want to be toned, tanned, fit and ready and take on any adventure that is in store! If you haven’t started that spring break workout regime – have no fear – Her Campus recruited the best and brightest instructors to show you how to get fit for your break.

1. “Always stay hydrated. Make sure you bring a water bottle, workout playlist and towel!”  – Cat, Just Cat.


2. “Stretch out your muscles before you begin your workout and right after you finish. This allows your body to have more muscle control, flexibility and range of motion.” Sir Chip, fitness instructor for Queen Elizabeth

3. “FOCUS ON FORM.” – Mr. Walrus, SeaWorld trainer

4. “Be sure to take time to rest! Your body needs to recuperate after being physically exerted more than it is used to.” – Senor Sloth, professional napper

5. “Abs are made in the kitchen, so be sure to load up on your veggies and lean protein before you go and binge eat Cheetoh’s at your parents beach house.” – HamsterMan, fitness guru

“Most importantly, HAVE FUN!” – Baby Duck, coolest duck in the pond.

Kara is a senior Management major at The University of Texas at Austin. She loves recreating any and everything she sees on Pinterest and watching videos of Corgi's frolicking in fields. You can find her writing music and drinking iced coffee anywhere on campus.