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Life > Experiences

Songs to Stride Home to with Entirely Too Much Confidence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

A curated selection to glide into your main character moment…

  1. Hedemo Ne-Yo by Fujii Kaze: another Fujii song that never misses!
  2. Le Chateau by Ginger Root
  3. Sandals by Khai Dreams
  4. Another Day of Sun by the La La Land Cast: a musical theatre addition with unparalleled energy. A slight deviation from the style of other songs on the list, but sure to get your morale up. 
  5. Do It All The Time by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (iDHOW): the high-energy closer to affirming that yes, you are the main character for a few seconds today.
Biomedical Engineering 1st-year at UT Austin.