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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

The freeways look like rivers set aflame with headlights:

twinkling cells pulsating through asphalt arteries,

The sky in reverse.

I can’t help but wonder if the stars look down on our stars –

police lights, red blue blood, a clogged artery where flowing ceases.

I’m a single blood cell on a urban highway, red lights racing to and from oxygen supplies.

Chandler is a senior at UT double majoring in English and Chinese while pursuing a Certificate in Global Management. She currently serves as one of HerCampus Texas' Campus Correspondents and adores live music, dogs, friends, and mindful living ♥
I am a third year English major hoping to become a book editor. I have been writing for HerCampus for one year, and am excited to work as a Co-Editor this year. I love reading and staying home with my cat, Luna.