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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

This week the long awaited Easy Tiger opened its doors. A combination of a bakeshop and beer garden–I knew I had to try it as soon as I found out about it (along with one of Andrew Curren’s homemade sausage creations). 

I am a sucker for baked goods so as soon as I walked in I knew I was going to like this place. The smell of pastries quickly made me forget about my resolution to stay away from them.

Downstairs is the dining room area and beer garden with self seating. After asking the waitress what she recommended I went with the garlic sausage sandwich, a beef, garlic and bourbon sausage in a pretzel bun with mustard that I now recommend you to try!

I loved the laid back feeling of the restaurant. One of my favorite parts of the venue (aside its delicious food and beer) is the board games shelf. That completely won me over and I will definitely be coming here more often.

Bernice Chuang is a fourth year double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Communication Studies-Human Relations and doing the Business Foundations Program (aka business minor) at the University of Texas at Austin. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Bernice is a fan of good country music and yummy barbeque! At UT, Bernice is a resident assistant at an all-female residence hall and currently serves as a senator representing her residence hall, Kinsolving, on the Resident Assistant Association. She also leads a small group bible study for Asian American Campus Ministries and sings with her campus ministries’ a cappella group. When she’s not juggling her various roles and commitments, Bernice enjoys exploring downtown Austin, shopping with her fellow RA staff members, reading books on faith and spirituality, learning how to cook and tackling various dessert recipes, and spending quality time with friends.