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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Dear Freshman Me,

Hello, it’s me – from the future. I am screaming at the top of my lungs the things I wish I would have known my freshman year of college, hoping that somewhere out there, a high school senior is coming across this page in hope of gaining a little insight as to what the next 4 years are going to bring.

I may not have all the wisdom in the world to give you, but I do have a couple things up my sleeve that helped me survive that I am forever willing to share with you. So, if you’re still here reading, maybe these next few points will rest your spinning head and shed some light into what college is like.

Freshman Year Basics

1. Take a fun class. AND DO IT EVERY SEMESTER. You should always “treat yo’ self “ and taking a class that revolves around something that you’re actually passionate about will balance out your stress levels and GPA.

2. Find community. The best thing I did my freshman year was join Ignite Texas (shameless plug – check them out here @ http://ignitetexas.org/). It allowed me to make friends before I even stepped foot onto my campus and by getting involved as a counselor and then co-chair the next year, I made friends (and even got a swag boyfriend) along the way. So find a group that you love and get involved in leadership positions!

3. Get an on-campus job. I worked at numerous places throughout my college career and this past semester working on campus has been the best by far. Many campus jobs have flexible schedules for students who are looking to work between 10-15 hours a week, plus having extra pocket money is always a wonderful way to start feeling/being an adult.

4. Spend time with your friends. There will come a day when you will have to work 9-5, Monday through Friday and not have the luxury of having spontaneous Zilker park adventures with your gal pals, so live it up while you can. Be outrageous, be spontaneous, be radical! And take pictures – not just iPhone snaps – that you can keep with you even when your buds have all parted ways.

5. Call your parents/siblings/grandparents/mentors/family members/pets etc. College is not only hard for students who are moving away for the first time in their lives, but it is also hard for families to shift into a new rhythm after you’ve left the nest. Despite what your little brother says, he does actually miss you and wants to hear all about your adventures. FaceTime your dog because he misses you as well and your mom secretly loves holding the phone to his face while you talk about your day.

Well Freshman Me, it’s been a good ride. Thanks for creating memories that will last a lifetime. The midnight Sonic runs were a blast, I know the heartache sucked, but thanks for sticking through it and finding a new person who loves you deeply, keep up with your friends after you leave because you’ll want to live vicariously through them, and always remember to Hook ‘Em Horns.


Love you,


Senior Me

Kara is a senior Management major at The University of Texas at Austin. She loves recreating any and everything she sees on Pinterest and watching videos of Corgi's frolicking in fields. You can find her writing music and drinking iced coffee anywhere on campus.