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Dancers Shape: The first week is always the hardest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

This is a sponsored post as part of the “Fit for Summer” Challenge, presented by Dancers Shape and Her Campus Texas.

I feel like I’ve been exercising non-stop for four days straight, but I guess to be whiney about that would reveal just how far I’ve really strayed from a good exercise routine. Monday through Wednesday were crazy test-paper-project all at once, sleep deprived days, leaving me with only half a week to fill my dance quota. Between three Dancers Shape sessions, ultimate frisbee practice, and a College Station visit over the weekend (hey, let’s all be friends, UT) where ironically, I played some more frisbee, I’ve had practically no time for my muscles rest. I kind of like feeling sore, though. It lets you know that you’re getting off your butt and actually pushing yourself during your workout. In a funny way, it lets you know you’re alive.

On my first visit, I had some trouble finding a way to get to the studio since I don’t have a car. Everyone had already started by the time I got there. Luckily Lisa, the instructor, was nice and told me to jump right in. We did some core training and some dance-inspired moves, all to upbeat music (that sometimes told me to whip my hair back and forth). I was already sore from I don’t even know what, so I felt like I was about to pull something, but I pushed through to the end! The first time was pretty intense, but it got a little easier the second time around. Maybe I knew what moves to expect, and so at least the disorientation factor was gone. I tried the Sport class instead of Shape my third visit, so it was intense all over again, but I’m hoping it’ll get easier the next time around too.

I was encouraged by the other ladies there that were also taking the classes. Some of them were older and looked like they had busy lives as well, but they took time out of their days to struggle a little bit in a workout studio. I realized there’s no real reason why I can’t take an hour out of each day to take care of my body too.

Bernice Chuang is a fourth year double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Communication Studies-Human Relations and doing the Business Foundations Program (aka business minor) at the University of Texas at Austin. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Bernice is a fan of good country music and yummy barbeque! At UT, Bernice is a resident assistant at an all-female residence hall and currently serves as a senator representing her residence hall, Kinsolving, on the Resident Assistant Association. She also leads a small group bible study for Asian American Campus Ministries and sings with her campus ministries’ a cappella group. When she’s not juggling her various roles and commitments, Bernice enjoys exploring downtown Austin, shopping with her fellow RA staff members, reading books on faith and spirituality, learning how to cook and tackling various dessert recipes, and spending quality time with friends.