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Corpse Bride: (Spoilers) Why Victor should’ve ended up with Emily

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

You’ll be mad at me for this one, but that’s okay…

As Halloween approaches, I begin the habit of watching at least one “spooky” movie a week. This week’s movie was Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride one of my all-time favorite movies.

If you have not watched the movie here is a small rundown of the film.

Victor is a young man expected to marry Victoria whose family arranged the marriage with Victor to help them escape financial trouble. At the rehearsal, for the ceremony, Victor struggles to memorize his vows and embarrasses himself in front of everyone, and catches the Bride’s mother’s dress on fire! So he runs to the woods and practices his vows and says them perfectly! And he places the wedding ring in what looks like a branch but is actually the hand of the Corpse Bride, Emily! Which leads Emily to believe the two are now married. Obviously, Victor is freaked out and wants to do everything he can to get back to Victoria. In the end, he manages to go back to her, but for a moment, just a moment I felt the chemistry even more between Victor and Emily.

So here are some reasons I believe Victor should’ve ended up with Victoria

  1. The ROMANTIC Sacrifice he would’ve made! – In order for the marriage to be valid between Victor and Emily, Victor would’ve had to give up his life. AND HE ALMOST DID. Until Victoria came out of nowhere…..
  2. My Girl EMILY HAS TALENT – She can play piano! Her boney fingers ain’t stopping her, AND THE DUET of her and Victor playing piano together, UGH YOU CAN NOT DENY THE CHEMISTRY.
  3. Her TIMELESS love – Emily hadn’t known Victor for long but she understood him and his needs! He got him a skeleton dog! WHO USED TO BE HIS!!! Like my girl is thoughtful
  4. Her Personality! Like she is just so gentle and outgoing and DESERVES THE World
  5. She brought out the FUN in Victor! – At first, Victor was scared but in the end, he was starting to understand and care for Emily. Enough to want to die for her!

Emily in the end was able to rest in the beautiful form of butterflies, but the love between her and Victor was unmatched. Victoria and Victor did not compare to what Emily and Victor had.

That is all.

I'm Chantal, a first-Generation college student at The University of Texas at Austin. I come from a Mexican household, and I'm proud of my culture. I'm a daughter of immigrants, navigating this new college world on my own. I hope to encourage other girls to push forward, despite the obstacles.