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Conquering Your Summer Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I like lists. I enjoy searching for a nice pen, using my best handwriting, and detailing out itemized tasks that I know will make me feel uber-accomplished when I finally strike through them on the page. I make grocery lists, studying lists, and the all-too-famous bucket lists.

The only thing I’m not good at doing is following them.

The approach of summertime has the tendency to bring out the bucket lister in most people – the weather is beautiful and warm, outdoor activities and concerts are only too easy to find, and friends are ready and willing to come along for whatever activity you might dream up. The season is also the perfect time to catch up on TV, bestselling novels, or even writing your own! Ambitious road trips across the country and enjoying family time happen to be on my list this summer, but whatever you’d like to conquer this summer, here are some ideas for creating and following your Summer 2012 List.
1. Do Your Homework
Whether you’re staying in Austin or moving home or joining a traveling circus, check up on the place(s) that you’ll be hanging out this summer. There’s always Google, which is good for discovering fitness classes or live music venues, but don’t be shy! Ask your friends, your professors, or even the cute guy behind the sandwich counter what they would recommend. Most cities, especially Austin, have historic or legendary locations that beg for at least one visit. Barton Springs Pool, Franklin Barbecue, or even Gruene Hall in New Braunfels are just a few can’t-miss places in the Central Texas area.

2. Make a Plan
Maybe you’d like to read the current list of New York Times bestsellers, really learn how to cook (Ramen doesn’t count!), or finally clinch that A in summer calculus. Although these aren’t as easily said-and-done as destinations on your bucket list, they can still be accomplished with a little bit of foresight and some friends to keep you in line. Tell people about your plan – or get them involved too! The more support you have, the more likely you’ll be to finish whatever task it is. Set reminders on your phone for study or exercise time, or consider rewarding yourself when you finally scratch through that item. Keep your list in the front of your mind, and it will be difficult to overlook it.

3. Have fun!
Grab a camera and a few friends (and some sunscreen) and have a good time while you tackle your list! Summer is for relaxing and doing the things you don’t have time or energy for during a jam-packed semester. Put your feet up and enjoy it!
Photo Credit:  Guillaume Cattiaux

Kenyatta Giddings is a double major in Broadcast Journalism and Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a former toddler in a tiara from Dallas, Texas and enjoys recording voiceovers for Radio Disney, writing for various publications, and contributing her production and on-camera talents to an array of programs. In her spare time Kenyatta consumes herself with all things vintage shopping, entertainment media, and brunch. Follow her pursuit for fabulosity on Twitter @kenyattapinata and her favorite online magazine @HerCampusTexas.