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Classic and Trendy with Kendra

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.


Name- Kendra Davis
Classification- Sophomore (2015)
Major- Human Development and Family Sciences
Personal Style- “My personal style is casual and laid-back, but definitely polished. I like classic pieces that work well from season to season. I appreciate trends, but I don’t go crazy trying to follow them. A small dose can go a long way.”
Kenyatta Giddings is a double major in Broadcast Journalism and Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a former toddler in a tiara from Dallas, Texas and enjoys recording voiceovers for Radio Disney, writing for various publications, and contributing her production and on-camera talents to an array of programs. In her spare time Kenyatta consumes herself with all things vintage shopping, entertainment media, and brunch. Follow her pursuit for fabulosity on Twitter @kenyattapinata and her favorite online magazine @HerCampusTexas.