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Cheap and Easy Holiday Presents for Your Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

They may seem like the easiest group to holiday shop for, but when you’ve already bought your parents, your brother, your sister, your dog, your boyfriend, and your grandparents presents, your friends become the most difficult group on your list. Never mind the fact that there are at least five more people to buy for. But how can you get them all something they can enjoy without breaking the bank or running out of time? Never fear, collegiettes, we have compiled a list of the five easiest and cheapest gifts to get your gal pals that will have them calling you the best gift-giver of all!

1. Monogram wall letters
Everyone knows monograms are super “in” right now (and always), so why not treat your chicas with their very own set! There are countless websites that sell both painted and unpainted monograms for around $10-$15/ea (like craftcuts.com!). Paint them in your girls’ favorite colors, and maybe add a few inexpensive rhinestones (that you can buy at Hobby LobbyMichael’s, etc.) and you’ve got yourself a great gift!
Estimated cost: $15-$20/person
2. Custom CDs/Playlists
An oldie but goodie: Everyone loves getting a new CD to jam out to in the car or to download and listen to during a run! Probably the cheapest gift on our list, you most likely won’t have to buy any new music and most girls have a stack of CD-Rs lying around anyway. The best way to do this is to compile a list of 12-15 songs that remind you of your friend—they could be songs you jammed out to during lunch in high school, or the new one from that band you both saw in concert over the summer. A sneaky way to find out what she likes would be to check out her Spotify playlist or iTunes, that way you can’t go wrong!
Estimated cost: $5-$10/person
3. Compilation of her favorite miniatures
This could get expensive, but it doesn’t have to! Pick your girls’ favorite products—lip gloss, nail polish, eye shadow, hand lotion—and pack it in a cute little bag. Most stores offer miniatures much cheaper than full-price, and this time of the year they also offer deals when you buy certain products in bulk.
Estimated cost: $10-$20/person
4. Cookies/Brownies/Other Baked Goods
For all you Betty Crockers out there, this one is for you! You’ll be baking over the holidays anyway (most likely), so instead of eating those extra cookies, wrap them in some fun, festive plastic wrap and send them your friends’ way! Just make sure none of them have a food allergy. That would make for a not-so-happy holiday.
Estimated cost: $5/person
5. A Certificate
I always loved to do this for my parents when I ran out of gift ideas. This is the most heart-felt gift on our list so feel free to pull out your hankies. Make a certificate for a girls’ day with your friend complete with manicures, make-up, a corny rom-com and two bowls of ice cream. The best thing about this gift is that it can be as extravagant or as laid-back as you want it to be—it’s all about what best suits your friendship. Make sure to design a cute little card on the computer to print out and give to her, and add a date that it expires on so you make sure to use it. It’s a gift for you both to share!
Estimated cost: $10+ /person
Kenyatta Giddings is a double major in Broadcast Journalism and Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a former toddler in a tiara from Dallas, Texas and enjoys recording voiceovers for Radio Disney, writing for various publications, and contributing her production and on-camera talents to an array of programs. In her spare time Kenyatta consumes herself with all things vintage shopping, entertainment media, and brunch. Follow her pursuit for fabulosity on Twitter @kenyattapinata and her favorite online magazine @HerCampusTexas.