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Boyfriend Air? Let’s Talk About Situationship Air.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

You know the drill. Your situationship sends you the usual ‘you up?’ text at 12 am and you have to act like you weren’t already in bed. Of course, you’re going to go over, who needs sleep when you can go emotionally devastate yourself instead?

We need to talk about the air in a man’s room because what the fu- I get all cute and not even 4 hours later, I look like a rat that fell into a swimming pool. I need someone to explain why this happens. I don’t understand! I’ve seen TikToks and people will say it’s because men are unhygienic but I know that isn’t the case here. Actually, he is in a frat so it may be because of that. Something about frat houses – those places are absolutely sick and twisted.

All I can say, is boyfriend air, situationship air, or whatever you want to call it – is definitely a thing. It is absolutely soul-crushing. Unfortunately, I will continue to deal with it. Why? Because sometimes, there is nothing better than waking up in a man’s bed. You’re only young once.

Victoria Navarro is an Advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to spend time with her rescue dog Dusty and you can always catch her with a cup of coffee.