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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Apps are essential in college. I’ve tried a lot of different apps for various academic needs, and it can be really hard to find a good one, so I thought I’d share some of the most useful ones I have found!

Google Calendar

This is probably my most used app next to iMessage. I use a physical planner and Google calendar to keep everything together. I love that I can easily see what I have lined up for the day in a glance.


You probably saw this one coming with Google Calendar being the first one I listed. I love having this app on my phone, because I can be signed into all of my email accounts, and as a journalism major if a source emails me back I want to know immediately.


I actually didn’t get this app until I transferred to UT, but it is a lifesaver! I love having this with all of the group projects I’ve had to do this spring. It’s so easy to stay in contact with classmates without having to actually disclose your phone number.


Originally I downloaded this app for meditation, but I have found that the music it offers can be great background noise when studying. I’m a big fan of their nature melodies.


I LOVE this app! This app features a system that allows you to trigger an alarm if you feel like you’re in a dangerous situation. I use this app a lot when I’m walking back to my dorm after dark.


This app allows you to access your library’s digital collection. Whether you’re using it to look for books for a class, or just to read for fun, it is a great one to have.

Apple Podcasts

I’m a huge podcast nerd, so maybe I’m a bit biased on this one, however, I think this is a great way to use your time whether you have to drive to class, take the bus, or walk a great distance. There are so many different types of podcasts out there you’re sure to find one that you like.

Izabella is a transfer student studying journalism at UT with an interest in social justice reporting. She enjoys reading, photography, podcasts, and cuddling with her dog, Jinxx.
I am a third year English major hoping to become a book editor. I have been writing for HerCampus for one year, and am excited to work as a Co-Editor this year. I love reading and staying home with my cat, Luna.