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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Astrology has become a popular topic throughout these past few years, especially amongst Generation Z. Depending on your birth date, you are assigned one of the twelve astrological signs that originate from Babylonian astronomy during the first half of the 1st millennium BC. These signs are used as a way to explain personality traits and behaviors within a person- hence the reason you may hear things such as, “That is so Aries of you,” or “Makes sense since you are a Leo.” The next astrological sign is the owner of the dates from April 20 to May 20, these people are known as Taureans. As a Taurus, perhaps I am biased, but there is something extraordinary about this sign. Even though I have been a taurus all of my life and have picked up on a bit of my personality through instagram memes and through research on the internet, I am still puzzled as to what being a taurus truly means. Through reading further, you will learn all there is to know about the taurus sign which could possibly give you a better understanding of the taurus that surrounds your social circle, or of course, yourself. 

Personality traits

When trying to understand a Taurus personality, always remind yourself that they are stable and grounded. Given that their animal in the astrological world is a bull, this symbolizes their role as the stabilizer in the astrological chart. Being fixed earth signs, they take very few risks, find discomfort in change, and stubbornly hang on to what they view as valuable. Their main focus is creating a peaceful life, which is why they will do anything to make sure they are in control and avoid situations that could ruin what they consider peace. They have a unique taste, and will do absolutely anything to surround themselves with the best that their money can buy. Here are some powerful and direct traits that the taurus personality is made of:

  1. Observant and Astute : Taurus’s tend to be quiet and reserved when you first meet them or when they are in an unknown territory, but this is because they are always observing their surroundings before interacting. Once they have adjusted and feel comfortable, their incredibly articulate side and powerful voice is then unlocked. They are great listeners which allows them to soak up a lot of information to be used for their benefit, or for the benefit of others. It is for this reason that they are extremely knowledgeable. The last thing that anybody wants to do is challenge a taurus, for they always know how to argue wisely, and come out the winner.
  2. Extremely Dominant : In relation to having connection to the bull, it is a given that they prefer to always be in charge. They are extremely confident in their ability to know what is ideal. If somebody thinks they can come into a taurus’s life and try to control them, they’ll find themselves being pushed right out the door almost instantly… “my way or the highway.” 
  3. Emotionally Strong : Don’t get it confused, Taurus’s do have feelings and feel them deeply, but they won’t let their emotions get the best of them and will find a way to resolve them. They tend to handle their emotions independently and refrain from asking for help even during their most difficult and stressful times. Although there is no way of telling whether a taurus will handle them quickly or at their own pace, they will still figure it out no matter what. 
  4. Intransigent/Stubborn : Once a Taurus has made up their mind about something, there is no changing that. They cannot stand being contradicted and refute the opinions and thoughts of others. In some cases, they may listen to others and change their minds if the points are strong and convincing, but it is not something you should count on. When receiving criticism, it’s almost as if it it just bounces right off of them.
  5. Slow and Deliberate : Taurus’s are hard working individuals, but they do enjoy working through things at their own pace. If they want to relax, they are going to do so, but they will still get their work done. Refrain from rushing or forcing a taurus to do something, this is definitely one of their biggest pet peeves and they will act on it. 
  6. Tempered : They are slow to boil, but when they do, they make a lot of noise and can leave destruction in their wake. Taurus has a tendency to let all of their anger, resentment, and bitterness fester and periodically explode into devastating outbursts. A Taurus temper is as good as their mood. When they’re in a good mood they will deal with most situations with a measure of patience and calm that can be surprising to people who don’t know them well. But when they’re in a bad mood, they will be a little bit snarly. They have a low tolerance for passive aggression. If somebody seems to be wasting their time, they will tell them that they’re wasting their time.
  7. Hard workers : If a Taurus is in your group for a project, you are in great hands! They do not shy away from hard work and are not afraid to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Along with their hard working nature comes ambition and mental tenacity which is exactly why Taureans are a true force to be reckoned with.
  8. Platonic : Taureans are honest, trustworthy, and dependable. They will keep your secrets to themselves, will show up for you and your needs, and will tell you the truth when asking for opinions or advice. Bottom line: get yourself a Taurus friend, stat.
  9. Attuned to Nature : Taureans are happiest when spending time in the great outdoors. Given that they are an earth sign, they enjoy almost everything that nature has to offer. Examples can be animals, flowers, great sights, and sunsets.
  10. Prefer the finer things in life : Since Taurus people are hard workers, they tend to believe that they deserve rewards in the form of spoiling themselves in luxury. They tend to be self-indulgent when buying things for themselves or for their home. They prefer to be surrounded by beauty and high end products. Nothing makes them happier than being dressed in the best fabrics and owning the most up to date items.

A Taurus in love

Taureans are hopeless romantics who tend to search for their great “love of a lifetime.” Taureans just want partners who are stable, loyal, affectionate, and classy. When picking a romantic partner, Taureans don’t jump into relationships with just anybody. They like to take their time and feel the other person out, but once they’re in, they’re completely in, one hundred percent. Keeping in mind that they love stability and also hate change, it is only logical that a Taurus will make sure that their partner is suited to go long term. They also naturally gravitate towards people with similar traits since that person is more than likely to agree with their own opinions on how a relationship should be. While Taurus women love being chased and the attention and adoration that comes with it, Taurus men, on the other hand, are a bit different. If a Taurus man wants to pursue you, he will, and against all odds. This is due to the stubbornness and determination that comes with being a Taurus. Even though this sign has a hard exterior, they are actually softies on the inside who are extremely passionate and sensual. Tying into how Taureans prefer the finer things in life, they will also spoil their partner to no end. This sign enjoys spoiling their partner with gifts above all else- it’s just their love language. Even though they do appreciate gift giving, they also do enjoy spending quality time and getting to learn their partner the most. Lastly, Taureans are genuine people. If you want a partner who’s confident in their beliefs, their opinions, and who they are as an individual, then you’ll be sure to find that in a Taurus. If you’re looking for someone who can easily change or who tends to agree with you about anything and everything then look elsewhere, because Tauruses change for no one.

Celebrities with a Taurus sun sign

  • Gigi Hadid (April 23)
  • John Cena (April 23)
  • Kelly Clarkson (April 24)
  • Channing Tatum (April 26)
  • Lizzo (April 27)
  • Travis Scott (April 30)
  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (May 2)
  • Adele (May 5)
  • Robert Pattinson (May 13)
  • Miranda Cosgrove (May 14)
  • Janet Jackson (May 16)
  • Megan Fox (May 16)
  • Sam Smith (May 19)

Some people may believe that Taureans are hard to deal with, but in reality, having a Taurus in your circle is one of the greatest things to do. Once you earn the trust of a Taurus, the limits are endless for what they will do for you. Despite their stubbornness, they are definitely one of the most genuine, loyal, and trustworthy types of people. Now that you understand the Taurus sign at a more in depth level, the next time you speak to a Taurus, hopefully you will be able to say, “Wow, that is so Taurus of you!”

Communication and Leadership major @ The University of Texas ‘25 Living, Learning, and Growing 🤍