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ACL Saturday Recap (Weekend 1)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

ACL Weekend 1 is coming to an end already… how did that happen?! Below are some highlights from the first Saturday. Those of you going next weekend, get excited! 

The Fashion

The fabulous accessories come out to play and the brave souls dye their hair pretty colors. 


The Shows

It’s just you, your favorite artists, and thousands of your closest friends strangers having a big dance party! Pictured above is the Icona Pop show, which was one of the best shows this weekend. 


The Artists

ACL brings in some of the best talent and biggest names. Lana Del Rey is playing Weekend 2 as well and is a must-see. 


The Flags

Every year, people come up with super creative flags that are so original. This year we spotted Walter White, “Hi Mom” written in crayon, a pirate dummy, and so many more. 


The Finale

On both Saturdays, you can choose between Eminem and Skrillex (or try to catch some of both for you ambitious people out there) for the big finale. Seeing Eminem, with occasional fireworks here and there, was amazing and if you get a chance to see him next weekend, stick around for the encore!

Who are you excited to see next weekend or who did you love seeing weekend 1?  

I am Corisa but a lot of my friends call me Cori! I feel like the real life Hannah Horvath from Girls.