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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Many college students may neglect their own needs when midterms pass or approach and finals slowly approach. Establishing a consistent routine is important considering college is a time of rapid change. During this hectic time of year, it’s critical to remember to take care of yourself. Here are some self-care suggestions to help college students maintain the best mental well-being possible.


Writing daily gratitude, psalms, quotes, affirmations, goal setting, or to-do lists will help create and maintain a healthy routine

Breathing techniques

Deep breathing or belly breathing can help release stress and maintain a healthy mindset. This is a quick suggestion that won’t interfere with the numerous assignments that are due at 11:59 pm 

Remaining Social

While it may be hard to remain social due to a packed schedule, it’s important to not lock yourself away in your room. Facetime or simply calling your family or friends for just five minutes a day will remind you that there are people who are rooting for you.


While many believe that they lack the needed creativity for crafting, crafting can be a fun way to relieve stress. Activities such as coloring require very little creativity, and oftentimes very little concentration. Crafting is a way to keep the wheels spinning outside of doing assignments.


With the cool weather settling in, nature is absolutely perfect for relieving stress. Taking a walk, fishing, kayaking, picnics, or simply studying outside can all expose you to nature. It’s important to remember and appreciate the beautiful planet we live on. 


While maintaining a hobby may sound like more added stress, it’s essential to not lose yourself in your studies during a time when you’re supposed to find yourself. College is all about exploring, so go out and explore new hobbies! Campuses offer numerous clubs and organizations that will help you further explore your hobbies, while also remaining social. 

Cry Session

Self-explainable. Just cry it out, let it all out. Then wipe your tears and go back to being an absolute academic weapon.

Hii! My name is Adrianna and I'm a freshman English major at UT Austin.