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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Hi babes! It’s the start of a new semester meaning it’s time to be on the prowl for organizations to join. This can be an overwhelming process as a first-year college student on a big campus like UT, but don’t fret! If you’re worried about resume building and professional development, I’m here to help you out with my four tips to find the right clubs for you!

  1. The Trifecta!

This is my basic rule when it comes to clubs. You’re going to want to scout out three options for yourself: a club that’s major-related, a club related to a separate passion from your degree, and a fun social club! This will allow you to not tie yourself down to strictly one interest and explore other facets of your identity. That’s what college is all about!

  1. Hornslink search

Hornslink is a great resource for students looking to explore the organizations that UT has in store. It will allow you to sift through all the UT student organizations’ descriptions and contact information. It’ll save yourself the troubling walk to class down Speedway during tabling, contemplating what you’re doing with your life. UT has so many clubs to choose from it can be hard to individually decipher what best suits you. 

  1. Don’t put your eggs in one basket

I myself have been guilty of this as well as many of my first-year friends. The club outreach at UT really only lasts the first couple of weeks of the semester and for some organizations, this is the only time with open applications. Although intimidating, make sure to have other options lined up and apply for multiple things. It is better to be busy and have options than spend another semester uninvolved. Clubs at UT are incredibly competitive, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get accepted the first go-round!

  1. You can always say no!

Don’t be scared to try something out and quit! Experimentation is a huge part of finding your place on the 40 acres. Don’t view it as a waste of time, you’re doing yourself a favor by figuring out what you like early on. Go you! As far as knowing if it’s the right fit, I’d say listen to your instincts. Ask yourself: Do you enjoy spending time with people in the organization? Do you see yourself finding community here? What am I gaining from this experience?

This is all just my personal insights as a freshman at UT myself, also navigating the extracurricular process. Hope this helps!

I'm a first-year Moody Honors Journalism major at the University of Texas at Austin. My hometown is Austin, TX! I'm very passionate about writing on social issues and advocacy and hope to pursue the communication sector of non-profit work. I enjoy travel, live music, and art!