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10 Non-PSL Things to Love about Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Mugs Filled With Hot Drinks – Because there’s nothing more nostalgic than burning your tongue on hot chocolate, cider, hot tea, or coffee whilst snuggled up by the fire.

Candy Corn – Who doesn’t love to hate it? Halloween wouldn’t be the same without the nauseating feeling of one too many pieces of candy corn. 

Tweed and Corduroy – Let’s be real, who doesn’t love a man in a thick fabric and a classic scarf?

Soup and It’s Trusty Companion Grilled Cheese – Gearing up for bulky sweater season one spoonful at a time.

Flannel – A flannel with leggings is just as lazy as a big t-shirt with Nike shorts, but less hobo and more chic.

Walking On Crunchy Leaves – There’s nothing more satisfying then the crunching of leaves under your feet and nothing more comparitive to the mid-semester slump than the leaves that should crunch but don’t.

Books By The Fire – Procrastination has never felt so good. 

Snuggling – Everyone loves to snuggle, and its so much more appealing when the mere thought of touching another human doesn’t make you start sweating.

Holidays – At Halloween you get to be shamelessly weird, at Thanksgiving you get to appreciate the collective weirdness of your family, and somewhere in between Christmas music starts playing which is also weird because it could easily still be 80 degrees outside during the chorus of Let it Snow.

 Small Animals in Halloween Costumes – as if they weren’t cute before.