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The Suicidal Tunnel: Choosing to Live

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.


“Honestly, I don’t question if you’ll do it, it’s when you’ll do it.” These words haunt me almost every time I feel the need to do the unimaginable and take away my own life. They were the words spoken by one of my friends in high school out of concern for my wellbeing.  I, like many others in this world, suffer from suicidal thoughts from time to time due to my depression and anxiety.


Many people may find this topic hard to deal with, but it is an issue that must be faced because it could affect anyone in your life or it could be affecting YOU at this moment.  The first thing to understand about suicidal thoughts is that you’re not alone in your painful journey.  There are many people out there just like you who have thoughts of killing themselves. It’s reported by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) that nearly 1,000,000 people make a suicide attempt every year. Let me remind you, that number probably doesn’t include the number of people who secretly want to kill themselves.


So many people are dying from self-inflicted murder and for many reasons, but what people who have suicidal thoughts don’t realize is that life, although hard, is worth living. During the time of pain and fear, they have the tendency to have a sort of tunnel vision in that they can’t see the brighter side of life. For those of you who are in the state of tunnel vision, here are some things to consider if suicidal thoughts occur.



1.      Consider the people in your life

If you have thoughts of suicide think about all the people in your life. Think about your family and friends who would miss you or would be psychologically affected by your death. Think about every person you ever cross paths with. Think about how you made a difference in their lives in some way or another. We all matter in this world and we all make up a small component of something big.

2.      Consider happy thoughts

If you have suicidal thoughts, the simplest yet hardest thing you could do is think happy thoughts.  Sometimes that requires thinking of the small things such as your favorite foods or songs. Or the big things like seeing your mother’s smile or happy memories. Think of how happy your future could be rather than how sad your present is.

3.      Consider having faith

Have some faith in your life if you have suicidal thoughts. This faith could be the belief in a higher power and prayer. If that isn’t your thing, have faith in yourself.  Everyday tell yourself that your worthy of life, love, and acceptance. Then think of at least one thing you like about yourself and constantly repeat it especially during dark times.

4.      Consider the bright side

Always consider the bright side whenever you’re in a dark situation. Remember that everybody has problems and there is always going to be someone who has it worse off than you. When you realize that, you begin to feel somewhat thankful for what you have.

5.      Consider therapy

Sometimes it’s hard to cope with thoughts of suicide and extra help is required. Always consider therapy because psychologists are well adept in these kinds of situations and are more likely to help you figure out your problems. Sometimes it takes viewing your problems through the eyes of another person to solve them and you shouldn’t be ashamed to consider therapy as an option.

The last thing you should consider in cases that thoughts of suicide occur is choosing to live. We have to always remember that there is light at the other side of the tunnel just waiting for us to reach it. It’s going to be hard to make our way through the darkness and there are going to be times when we trip on a rock or on our own feet on occasion, but through our struggle we become stronger and better people. By living life we see what were capable of as human beings and begin to mold what we were given into the life we want. A life molded with love, respect, opportunities, and most of all self-acceptance. When it comes to the matter of life or death, always choose life.








Jaimee Swift is a Senior majoring in Communications. One of her many dreams is to become a broadcast journalist and to meet and work with the infamous Anderson Cooper. Her hobbies include reading everything in sight, running, dancing crazily, laughing uber hard, watching movies, and consuming as much juice as possible. Jaimee is so overjoyed to be a part of such a magnificent site such as Her Campus Temple University. Ever since the days of her youth, she has strives to make a difference and bring positive change to all that she touches. She still holds on to that mindset and hopes to bring positivity and creativity to Her Campus Temple University!