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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

With midterms quickly approaching, it’s important to know how to manage stress.

As we enter October, we not only enter a fun-filled month, but we also enter a stress-filled month with midterm exams, assignments and projects. On top of having these assignments, many of us are also adjusting to life on campus after not being here in a while or never being here at all.  Here’s how to keep your mental health in check during midterms week.

Start studying sooner rather than later

This seems self-explanatory, and I’m sure we all say that we’re going to start an assignment before it’s due, but college is busy, especially if you’re adding extracurriculars, a job, or both to the mix. If you begin studying sooner rather than later, all-nighters won’t seem like such a necessity and the stress of staying up and skipping other classes won’t creep in.

Take study breaks

Getting up and walking around is a great way to deal with stress. Hang out with friends. Clean the bathroom. Do a load of laundry. All of these are great suggestions to get a change of scenery and give one the opportunity to get some fresh air and have a little break. 

Get Active

Exercise is a great way to take a break from studying and get more blood flowing. You can take a walk, do some yoga, or go to the gym. Not only will this give you an excuse to close your laptop, it will also get some endorphins going as well.

Take a mental health day

Skipping class is usually frowned upon, but sometimes it’s necessary. If you feel a burnout coming on, you should check their syllabus to see what they will be missing in class. You can use this time to catch up on work, get ahead of work or simply take a nap and watch Netflix.

There’s no doubt that our grades and schoolwork are important, but you can’t do your best while you’re burnt out or unfocused. Make sure to make time for yourself this month, and good luck with midterms!

Autumn is a senior Public Relations major at Temple University. She enjoys cleaning, homemaking and writing. She loves cats, candles, tattoos, and flowers.