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How to Survive Class Registration

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

You got the e-mail a month ago announcing the ultimate countdown. You’ve been running to your advisor all week, frantically scribbling down possible classes for next semester. And if you’re not a senior (though you guys are facing a new kind of terror, bless your successful souls), you’re stressing out about fulfilling your major/minor requirements while avoiding 8 a.m. classes at all costs.

Yes, people, it’s registration week.

Since I successfully finished my own registration last week, I’m now ready to share my method for class registration.

1. Check your email.

Temple usually sends out registration announcement emails a month before your scheduled day. Make sure to check your email so you know when to start preparing.


2. Look up classes early.

This may sound silly, but start looking up classes now. TUportal usually has next semester’s classes up on the Add/Drop tab in your student tools section. Write down the classes you need to complete your major and/or minor.


3. Assemble several possible schedules ahead of time (you’ll thank yourself later).

Although the classes may not have announced the professors yet, the times and locations of each class are pretty much set in stone (there are exceptions, of course). Create several schedules with your needed classes at convenient times.


4. Check with your advisor.

Make an appointment with your advisor to check if you’re on track. If you’d like, show your advisor your planned schedules for any advice or changes.


5. Pick your top 2 schedules (Plan A and Plan B).

Now that you’ve had your advisor’s opinion, choose the top two schedules that are best fit for you. Preferably, choose the two schedules that have interchangeable classes at similar times. It’s essentially a race against the clock the morning of registration, and you don’t want to waste valuable time looking up non-conflicting classes while seats are filling up.


6.  Gather CRNs.

Copy and paste. These babies are ultimately what will get you your dream schedule. As soon as you log in, type those CRNs in and cross your fingers those classes didn’t fill up.


7.  Night before registration

Set your alarm(s) and go to sleep early!


8. Morning of registration

Wake up early, brew a cup of strong coffee, and log into your TUportal with your CRNs ready. Don’t forget to watch the clock! Finally, log in at 7 a.m., copy and paste in your CRNs, and click submit. If everything goes well (and it should), your beautiful new schedule will pop up.


9. Celebrate by going back to sleep!

Remember, if you don’t end up getting the classes you wanted, it’s not the end of the world. College is the time for trial and error. Who knows, that one class you dreaded might end up being your favorite. Good luck!





Junior studying journalism at Temple University
Logan is a junior journalism major, and serves as Campus Correspondent.  She is also the proud president of Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Nu, her sorority. Logan is typically super busy, but still dedicates hours to reading a Cosmo from front to back...twice. Logan loves all things social media, especially following puppy accounts on Instagram. Her dream is to break into the magazine industry and help empower other women to pursue their dreams, whatever that may be.