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How to Spend Valentine’s Day According to Your Love Life Situation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Ladies, Valentine’s day is Friday. Another year has passed and we are either living up the single life, going through a fresh breakup, in a stale relationship or looking for that perfect rebound when “that special person” doesn’t treat you right.

Sure, Valentine’s day is just a holiday made up by the card companies, but come on, wouldn’t you love some advice? You are not alone and I am about to serve you some words of wis

Going through a fresh breakup

It is okay that you aren’t with your significant other this Valentine’s day. A fresh breakup before such a loving day is possible to get over.  My boyfriend and I of one year just broke up. Yeah, that happened. Being “okay” seems simple to everyone outside of yourself, but you and I both know that seeing the Bachelor kiss Hannah Anne for the millionth time irks you. So, here is what I have done to keep it together:

First, take to social media.  Unfollowing certain people is within your capacity, and will save you from thinking negatively and spiraling.

Without “being petty” and blocking him on Snapchat, go to settings and block his story so your Valentine’s day is a little less stressed.

Next, take the pictures down. Even if he cares, ask yourself how keeping those pictures up on Instagram benefits you and the next guy you are interested in.

Finally, my biggest piece of advice is to have the right mindset. This doesn’t mean you can’t cry.  By all means, get the box of chocolates and ice cream on the 14th, curl up with a good movie and let it out. Don’t forget to set your priorities straight. You have goals, school and more partners out there than you can believe. Reach out to your best friend, mom, whoever, and just talk it out.

The relationship is stale

I am going to be very blunt. You are young. You are beautiful. You have everything going for you as a Temple student. If your partner is not taking care of your needs, do not keep them around just for Valentine’s day. My best friend gave me the best piece of advice before my recent breakup. That is that if you wait one week, that week turns into another, then into a month, then you could be stuck.

Looking for that perfect rebound

This does not always involve another partner, hookup or acting like Joe from “You” and stalking someone cute.  A rebound can be a mindcheck for yourself. This can be by treating yourself when your partner doesn’t treat you. Treating myself to face masks, junk food, a great workout or working harder in school has picked my spirits up. I am not holding back. I am treating myself, as should you. No one is going to love yourself more this Valentine’s day than you. If he doesn’t buy you the simplest form of a gift, like a $5 box of Hershey’s Kisses and a card, then get it for yourself. Why do you need him to get it? Don’t you remember how badass you are? Being superficial is not my forte, so I get that gifts aren’t everything.  I will reiterate that if your partner isn’t showing effort or taking care of your needs, why stay with them? So, buy yourself the chocolates and dump them. 

You’re living up the single life

I save this one for last because you should all know that being single on Valentine’s day is not a curse. If anything, you are saving money on a teddy bear that can instead go towards some Chipotle or Saxby’s when you’re out on the 14th treating yourself. When you’re single, you also have the option to do whatever the heck you want.  Go out with your girlfriends, lay in bed all day or go out to the bar. Do what feels right for you and never forget that the person who will treat you the best this Valentine’s day is you.

Ask me what I am doing and I will most likely say writing or drawing. As a journalist of the print news for three years, I am proud to be a writer for Her Campus! I am excited to share lifestyle tips and keep you connected!