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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

There are tons of subscriptions out there, and it wasn’t until recently that subscriptions targeted towards wellness and fitness started becoming popular. 

To name just a few categories: clothing, vitamins and even dietary subscriptions are part of a subscription service now! Why should you have to spend your money to see if any of these services are even worth it? Don’t worry — the girls down at Her Campus have compiled a list of these subscriptions, and we’ll let you know if they’re worth the money or if you should save the change for a rainy day.


First up is clothing. There’s not a lot in this category, but what we lack in quantity, we make up for in popularity. That’s right, we’ll be reviewing one of the most popular fitness clothing subscriptions in the game!    

Fabletics: Since Kate Hudson came out with her Fabletics line in 2013 everyone has been wondering if the product lives up to the hype? By “hype,” of course, we mean the $49.99 a month price tag, and by product we mean high quality sports bras, leggings, biker shorts and sneakers. 

First, the important stuff, let’s talk about the clothes. The quality that Fabletics claims does live up to the reputation. Having personally purchased multiple pairs, I haven’t had any fit or comfort complaints. The fabric still remains some of the softest and most comfortable workout materials and the moisture wicking threading is unparalleled. However, does that really warrant a $49.99 price tag? 

Well, there’s good news. You don’t necessarily have to pay that fifty every month, there is the option to “skip” the month so they won’t pull it out of your account, but it still keeps your subscribed status. You can do this as many times as you’d like, and then look through the sale tab for clearance items that are still high quality, but not nearly as overpriced (regularly priced outfits can range from $39-$129). 

Final Verdict: Worth it — so long as you use it properly and aren’t afraid to finesse a little to spare yourself getting charged that $50 every month. The quality, style option, and convenience of Fabletics has won it a gold star from us!


Time to fall into the subscription world of vitamins and protein! Now here’s a subscription that is meant to remind you to be conscious about what you put in your body. These next subscriptions range from vitamins to power packs and protein powders, so if your body feels like it is slacking, these subscriptions may be for you.  

Care/Of: Care/Of has a combination of products available and the best part is they tailor it to your needs. In order to get started with Care/Of, simply tell them what you’re looking for — whether that be more energy, less soreness after a workout or an easier time falling asleep. They’ll recommend vitamins with daily aspirations, horoscopes or fun facts. Another form would be “quick sticks” for on-the-go vitamins you just pour in your mouth and go! 

The best part of the subscription package in my opinion would have to be their protein powders. It’s hard to find a protein powder that tastes good and provides results as well, and luckily Care/Of’s checks both of  these boxes. Not to mention you only pay for the vitamins you want and you can alter your plan at any time in the progress app. 

Final Verdict: Definitely worth it! Because who doesn’t want a little extra boost of vitamins to keep your body healthy and feeling its best? This subscription is a must, especially with the high stress levels we all face in our day-to-day lives.

Neat Nutrition: Neat nutrition is another protein subscription brand, but they focus mainly on protein rather than other supplements. However, not all proteins are created equal, and though this protein subscription could have worked to help me bulk up, I wouldn’t know because I couldn’t get past the repulsive taste! Striking a balance between efficacy and taste is important to me, so this one was not a winner.

Final Verdict: Not worth it! Unless you feel like you can stomach some pretty poor tasting protein powder, you’re better off hunting elsewhere for that extra protein boost.


Now for what everyone’s really wondering, what is the best food subscription for keeping a healthy diet? There are so many to choose from, and I know I’ve seen at least five scrolling through Instagram. I decided to compare the top two HelloFresh and Home Chef. 

HelloFresh: This company has reasonable prices and a decent selection of recipes, but when it comes down to cooking the meals the instructions can get a bit confusing and the recipes often turn out being a bit lackluster in flavor. They do provide a good opportunity for customization in the meals and the recipes seem to be aimed more at the beginner chef. The protein and produce has always been fresh when delivered, but they don’t seem to stay for more than a few days.

Final Verdict: Tempting, but ultimately not worth the price. The often lackluster flavor of the final product, combined with the often confusing instructions has led me to believe this service is just more trouble than it’s worth.

Home Chef: Home Chef has a leg up on HelloFresh seeing as how they have more recipes to choose from and more ways to upgrade/customize those recipes. While it’s true that Home Chef is slightly more expensive there are a few benefits they offer that make them worth the price. They allow you to choose any allergens you might have and offer vegetarian options as well. Home Chef also lets you choose how easy or difficult a recipe you would like to make and includes the spice level for those of us gals with sensitive tongues!

Final Verdict: If you have a little extra money to spend, totally worth it! This service’s customizability and recipe options really suit any skill level, and ultimately taste amazing and offer plenty of options to “make it your own.”

Whether you try subscriptions out for a month or become a member for life, don’t forget to check in with Her Campus to find out if that subscription you’re looking at is really #worthit! 


Taylor Shallies Temple University Sophomore Public Relations Practitioner Active member of Moment of Magic I'm honestly just trying to bring a voice for women out there who are struggling finding themselves or what 'niche' they fall into. It took me a long time to realize that my 'niche' is standing out. There were no categories created for women like me. You can try to find the mold I came from, but I doubt (even if you found it) that anyone could create another like me. So, my question for all the women out there who can't find exactly where they fit in. Why try to fit in when we were born to stand out? IG: @tay_tayspr Snap: @taylorshallies Personal E-mail: shalliest@yahoo.com
When Rachel isn't obsessively drinking iced coffee by the gallon or binge watching true crime videos on YouTube, you can probably find her writing about her failed love life. She is currently a  junior (*she's ancient*) journalism major at Temple University, and is a Her Campus Temple Campus Correspondent, a Temple Student Government Social Media Manager and a 2020 Owl Team Student Coordinator.