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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Finding stress relief through a new love for painting. 

My friends threw me a surprise birthday party for my birthday this year, and they bought an array of paints and canvases, so we could have a ‘paint your own canvas’ night. I hadn’t painted in a while, so I was excited to get started.  

I realized how relaxed I felt with painting while we were painting and listening to music. I began to paint sporadically to calm my nerves and decompress after my party.  

After this experience, I realized how important it is to find an outlet to de-stress. I realized that the reason I enjoy painting is that it distracts my mind from whatever is going on in my life.   

When I’m painting, I’m preoccupied with painting in between the lines, rather than the test I have next week. As life becomes more and more hectic, it’s important for me to develop healthy coping skills to handle everyday life. 

I appreciate how painting allows me to express myself creatively, while also relieving stress.   

Since my party, I’ve enjoyed painting as a type of self-care because I’m able to release stressful emotions or feelings with the stroke of a brush, and that to me is extremely beneficial. 

Throughout my painting journey, I’ve become a firm believer that you do not have to be an expert in whatever hobby you chose to pursue; as long as you enjoy it, keep doing it.  

I would not consider myself to be an expert at painting by any means, but I choose to keep painting because it’s fulfilling to me.  

When I finish a painting, I always appreciate the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction once I put down my brushes.  

Since I’ve started painting again I’ve learned important life lessons. For example, sometimes, it is important to pursue activities not because you are talented at them, but because you enjoy doing them. 

I’ve been recommended different hobbies when I’m feeling stressed, but the best choice was panting. It helps clear my mind, while also honing my creative abilities.  

Meghan is a sophomore psychology major at Temple University. She enjoys reading, traveling to new places, and eating mozzarella sticks.