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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

What do you do when you’re having a bad day? Projecting my mood onto others does not seem fair, and I’ve been victim to those types of people countless times. I recall a time when an old friend of mine was going through something. Instead of opening up, which I would never blame someone for not doing, she started to act out against me. She started to cuss and slam doors and be downright disrespectful. She was not the first person to do this to me and most likely will not be the last, but it was my final straw. The fact of the matter is that being in a shitty mood does not excuse you from being a shitty person.

I asked a few friends about what their go to’s are when it comes to dreadful days. Here are some things you can do instead of terrorizing others:

Go outside.

Getting out into the sun can always “brighten” the mood. Literally though, sunlight releases serotonin, so getting out there for just a few hours may give you a different perspective on whatever it is you are going through.

Talk it out.

Not everybody has access to mental health programs like therapy, but there are a number of other ways to verbally express your feelings. Think of one person that you trust, and vent to them about it. 

Start a journal.

For some people, speaking will not help them as much as writing will. Buy a journal. Pick a pretty color, design, whatever you want: just make it yours! Cover the pages in your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and then at least your emotions exist somewhere other than inside your head.


Exercise has been proven to reduce stress and help with cognitive functions. I hate to admit it, but exercise has never failed to make me feel better. Even a 30 minute walk can get your blood flowing and distract you from what else is going on. Lifting or playing a sport can even assist in getting aggression out, which is oftentimes all you need. 

Keep your distance from others.

This is what I like to do. I fear that my mood will bring down others, so I like to just isolate myself in my room and watch a comfort show. Once I’m in a better mood, I feel as though I can positively contribute to other peoples’ days. 

These are just a few options that people have that don’t involve burning bridges with their friends. Whichever you choose, be cognizant of others and remember that you may not be the only one going through it.

Rayma Abdallah is a senior Media Studies & Production major at Temple University. She has a passion for real estate and all things media related. She enjoys reality tv, thrifting, exploring new cities and all things romance. You can follow her on instagram @amraymaa.