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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

There are many different methods used when it comes to styling outfits. A personal favorite of mine for many years was the sandwich method where you match a top element of your outfit to a bottom element and have a contrasting piece in the middle– a fashion sandwich!

Now, there’s a new method people are using to add more personality to their outfits called the seven-point method. The gist of this method is adding items to your overall look that are assigned a level of points based off how much they add to the outfit. So, basic items like the ones linked here  are all one point. They’re generally solid colors, basic silhouettes, and items you would use as a base for your outfit. However, more complex items like these from Edikted are two points. They’re classified as two points because they have fun patterns, asymmetry, texture– all that fun stuff.  

Now for styling! The goal is to get to seven points, but no more than nine or ten. An easy way to go about styling with this method is doing a one-point base. So, a one point pants and shirt, with a one-point style of shoe (which are typically just classic shoes; same idea as base clothes, one color, basic silhouette). Now you’re at three points, for two more points you can add a fun jacket with a different texture than the base layer you establish, or a fun pattern which brings you to five points.

Finally, some accessories, jewelry, a bag, a scarf- whatever you want! These are hard to determine between one or two points in my opinion. I would say a stack of necklaces for example could be two points because usually they vary in style and texture. But one necklace paired with some bracelets and earrings could also equal two points since there are multiple different pieces. It’s really up to you how you want to classify your accessories; at that point, it just comes down to preference and what you think pairs nicely.

If you’re feeling bolder you can go for a two one two point outfit. Meaning a two-point shirt, one-point bottoms, and two-point shoes. I’d say two-point shoes are shoes you don’t see every day, so heels, multi-color, cool texture, anything of the sort. This base would bring you to five points, and I would accessorize with one-point items, so a plain jacket or bag- maybe a hat. All until you’re at around seven points.  

I hope this cleared up any questions surrounding the point out method! You can try counting how many points other people have for their outfits around campus as a fun little game.

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Abigail Wolf

Temple '28

Hii! My name is Abigail wolf, but I like to go by Abby and I'm a freshman at Temple University studying neuroscience!! I write for the Fashion and Beauty segment for Her Campus. I personally focus on trends coming and going in the fashion industry and popular creators of the beauty world! I attended Avon Grove High school and worked as a Head Guard at the local YMCA. I loved playing volleyball and going out with my hometown friends. Thinking back to high school, I loved getting ready with my friends for dances or giggling about silly outfits we'd make each other try on at the mall, and I'm excited to bring a piece of that with me here!